One of the saddest parts of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic for me has been the closing of gyms. Even now that they are open again in many parts of the world, it does not feel quite the same. I feel like I’m constantly looking over my shoulder or nervous that someone will go while sick.
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to continue an exercise routine at home. At first, it might seem intimidating. I was hardly an expert at working out when I first began, after all. I thought going to the gym was the only answer – a lot of the advice we see from sponsored social media influencers might imply this.
That is simply not the case. You don’t need diet pills or weight loss tea or an expensive gym membership to take hold of your own health and pursue a happier lifestyle. Instead, you can create a routine for yourself and stick to it!
Make a Thirty Day Calendar
Like I mentioned briefly above, one of the most critical parts of starting to work out at home is creating a schedule and sticking to it. You can research what might be best for you, but here is an example of a calendar that you could easily use.
In each week, you will want to perform several different types of exercises. I will go over a few of these in more detail later in this article, but some to keep in mind are core body workouts, upper body workouts, and lower body workouts. Obviously, I will focus on muscle building like the title implied.
Another important thing to remember as you create a routine is that you don’t want to burn yourself out or hurt yourself. Give your body a day of rest between harsh workouts – or, if you don’t want a complete rest day, consider a cardio exercise rather than more muscle building ones. Our muscles tend to need at least twenty-four hours to recuperate after strenuous activity.
Upper Body Techniques
When I think of working out at home, these are usually what I think of first. As the name implies, these exercises help to build the strength of your upper body, particularly your arms and shoulders. This is what to focus on if you’re looking to be impressive in a tank top, for example.
Because these are so popular, I’ll discuss these kinds of home workouts today. They are widely accessible and easy to recreate. I would recommend many of them for beginners.
Hang Clean
This move exercises your neck and upper back. Of note is that it might require some exercise equipment for home, but don’t let that dissuade you from trying it. It’s a good thing to try if you’re looking to build your upper body strength while also fitting in some cardio into your routine. Talk about two birds with one stone – or barbell!
To start, you’ll want to load a barbell with whatever weight you feel is most appropriate and comfortable for you. Remember not to hurt yourself – try starting off smaller. You can always increase the weight later if you find it is too easy! Then, simply perform the move as best you can. Try to repeat it a few times.
Push Ups
While this isn’t the most glorious or show offish way to work out, it is incredibly effective. It helps in ways other than just building muscle – it can actually make some of your every day tasks easier the more you repeat it. The movement of a push up is quite similar to that of doing dishes or even vacuuming.
One thing I recommend before doing this is setting up a mat or something. Memories of my middle school gym floors still haunt me. The rough and abrasive surfaces that were covered in years of grime were not exactly appealing for doing a push up test. You won’t regret setting up a cleanly space.
Overhead Triceps Extension
I assure you that this one sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is. You can find some specified information on the benefits of this workout here, but I am more than happy to explain as well. This technique is great for anyone who really wants to build up their arms and shoulders.
You may want to pursue doing overhead triceps extensions if you are a baseball player or swimmer. After all, it will help improve your elbow stability and the strength of your upper arms. Keep in mind you will need a dumbbell for this of whatever weight is appropriate for you.
Farmer’s Carry
The final exercise I will recommend today is the farmer’s carry. Despite what you might believe, I promise you I did not just pick it because of the fun name (though that might be a part of it). It sounds simple, and it is – but it will really help your self discipline and conditioning training.
This workout involves picking up two heavy objects in your hands. My item of choice are dumbbells, but you can really choose anything. You will need to stand up straight and hold your arms down as you walk and carry them. It’s key to put one foot in front of the other here and stand as tall as you can.
Home Workouts are Just as Fun
However you decide to make your routine, just remember you don’t need to go to a gym to be healthy and enjoy your exercise. Doing these things from home is rewarding as well! There’s also an extra level of comfort – your post-workout shower can be done right in your own bathroom, instead of around strangers.
You won’t have to lug around your equipment bag, water bottle, or sports drinks either. It’s convenient, and you can make whatever atmosphere you want. Be it a calming room or something to pump you up, you can customize your space however you desire if you’re at home. Those are just some reasons you might want to!
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