Medical Vs. Recreational Cannabis Dispensaries

Updated on December 29, 2022

There are two forms of legal cannabis in the United States: medicinal cannabis and recreational cannabis. Each category has a unique legal standing and is occasionally offered in various places.

The distinctions between them can be perplexing. Furthermore, while both are allowed in some states, all cannabis is banned at the federal level. So, how can you distinguish between medicinal and recreational cannabis? And what do they serve? Continue reading to find out more.

Medical vs. recreational

Medical vs. recreational cannabis dispensary Denver CO relies on different factors to make a profit. These include how many products are sold, the number of plants they are allowed to grow, the amount of tax they charge, and how much they carry. However, the main difference is the age of the consumers. While the age limit for adult use is the same for both categories, there are some states where the requirements differ.

Some states require patients to visit a doctor for a medical marijuana recommendation before acquiring their prescription. It can create a problem for people unaware of what they need to do to obtain a prescription. They may find it challenging to locate a doctor who will write a prescription. Alternatively, they could purchase a recreational product instead. This option is less regulated and offers a wider variety of products.

The market for adult use has already been established in some states for years. There is still a shortage of market-wide established regulations. It could lead to problems such as price fluctuations and an unstable supply. Many consumers prefer purchasing products that have been tested. The demand for adult use is growing. Some medical dispensaries close down.

Currently, recreational cannabis is legally available in 27 states. However, there are still 12 states that do not allow the purchase of marijuana. Those that do allow it usually tax it at a higher rate. 

Unlike medical cannabis, recreational marijuana is not regulated by the FDA. It is often used for recreation and enjoyment. In many cases, it has the same chemical components as medical marijuana. It can be smokeable or edible. It can also be infused with products such as cigarettes or coffee.

The price of recreational cannabis can be higher than that of medical marijuana, owing to a hefty markup. It is also subject to taxes, varying from state to state. Most of these taxes are excise taxes. The amount varies depending on the type of product. There are also additional state and local taxes that consumers must pay. Some states, like Massachusetts, have a higher limit on the amount of THC allowed for recreational cannabis.

Some consumers are happy with the relatively higher THC level of recreational cannabis. Others prefer a particular combination of compounds. These preferences vary among users, though. A majority of recreational cannabis is consumed for mind-altering effects. The chemical THC can provide relief for pain, stress management, and anxiety. Some users can benefit from this psychoactive effect, but a lack of monitoring can lead to health disorders.

For patients interested in buying cannabis, the key differences between medical and recreational dispensaries are the product’s quantities and potency and the consumers’ age. Some states give priority to medical cannabis patients, while others are more likely to have an increased focus on the recreational market.

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