Senior living community hosts Senior TechRALLY, sponsored by AT&T
Have you ever wanted to know how to connect with your grandchildren on Facebook? Or talk to them via text or video chat? Or download music and books off of the internet?
Longwood at Oakmont, a Presbyterian SeniorCare Continuing Care Retirement Community in Plum, and Senior TechRally, sponsored by AT&T, will help Greater Pittsburgh area seniors learn how to be “tech savvy” during an educational, hands-on seminar on Tuesday, October 23, 2012.
Senior TechRALLY experts will educate attendees about smart phones and tablets, texting, apps, video calling, picture sharing, social networking, mobile gaming and much more. Additionally, attendees will be supplied with a Technology Guide to continue to use as a reference. Refresher courses will also be offered to answer questions after the event.
Space is limited for this event. To register, visit or call 877-214-8410.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, 2012
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. PST
WHERE: Longwood at Oakmont
500 Route 909
Verona, PA 15147
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