Lip Hacks: 5 Ways to Get Fuller Lips

Updated on December 10, 2020

Fuller lips aren’t just a sign of physical beauty, although that may be the reason you want to boost the fullness in your lips. They’re also a sign of healthier skin since full lips require more moisture and hydration. If you want to experience these benefits and more, there are a few natural ways to increase fullness without surgery. Here are a few tips.

Try Lip Injections

To obtain the best results, you can talk to your dermatologist about a lip filler. Juvaderm or Restylane are the most common types of fillers because they offer the longest lasting results while presenting the lowest safety risks. These brands are preferred due to their use of hyaluronic acid, which makes the process fully reversible in cases where the individual isn’t fully satisfied with the outcome. 

The procedure, which ranges from $500 up to $2,000, lasts from six months up to two years. The hyaluronic acid in the filler products work to increase collagen production, helping the body to restore the fullness and shape of the lips. 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

If you’re looking for a less costly way of boosting the fullness of your lips, ditch the soda for water. Drinking excessive amounts of soda causes the skin to lose moisture, which speeds up aging and leaves the skin and lips dry. This process can be reversed by replacing your soda habit with water. 

Drinking more water helps add fullness to the lips in addition to alleviating skin blemishes. Drinking sufficient amounts of water will also thicken the outer layer of skin, helping it to look more youthful for longer.

Exfoliate Your Lips Every Night

Just as you exfoliate your skin, you should also take the time to exfoliate your lips before going to bed each night. When you skip this habit, your lips become dry and flaky. The flakes on your lips will reflect the sun and leave the appearance of thinner and unhealthier lips. 

To exfoliate, lightly brush your toothbrush against your lips each night. This will remove flaking tissue and stimulate blood flow through the lips to produce a more reddish natural color.

Cayenne Pepper and Olive Oil Offers a Temporary Fix

If you don’t have the time or money to invest in a long-term treatment, you can try this temporary remedy to thin lips in your own home: 

  • Mix a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with a healthy sprinkling of cayenne pepper and stir thoroughly. 
  • Rub the solution on your lips and leave it undisturbed for up to three minutes before wiping it thoroughly off of your lips. 
  • Immediately apply lip balm to seal the nutrients in with your lips. 

This will give you fuller lips for a few hours, but the effects last long enough to take pictures or enjoy a night out at the clubs.

Use Lip Gloss as a Highlighter

Another fast trick you can use to make your lips look fuller in a pinch is to choose a lip gloss that’s either clear or matches the color of your lipstick. By applying the gloss to the center of each lip, you’ll bring them out in any type of lighting by highlighting the fuller center portion of the lips. Just be sure to bring the lip gloss with you as you may have to retouch your lips throughout the night.

Before using any cosmetic product to enhance the appearance of your lips, you should consult your dermatologist. He may recommend a more effective product or advise you of the most common side effects of the product you want to use. They will also go over aftercare. Seeking medical advice in advance will help you get the look you want without risking the healthy appearance of your skin.

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