Learn the Rules to Follow to Keep Cancer at Bay

Updated on March 8, 2020

We have come across statistics that have revealed that one out of every three people in the United States would be developing some kind of malignancy during her or his lifetime. These statistics are pretty alarming yet medical professionals have made dramatic progress in acquiring a sound knowledge of the biology of various cancer cells. Moreover, they have brought about certain improvements in the diagnosis, as well as, treatment of cancer. 

You have a lot to do if you wish to safeguard yourself from cancer. Do not just wait for path-breaking developments in the field of cancer research. You need to take proactive steps to prevent cancer. We know that screening tests could go a long way in detecting malignancies during the early stages. However, it is best to stay alert all the time and do not ignore cancer symptoms. Here are a few common symptoms that should never be taken for granted as per the American Cancer Society.

  • Change in bladder or bowel habits.
  • A sore that refuses to heal.
  • Unusual discharge or bleeding.
  • Thickening or lump somewhere especially, your breast.
  • Indigestion or discomfort and difficulty in swallowing.
  • Obvious changes in mole or wart.
  • Nagging throat issues such as hoarseness or cough.

Most of the symptoms are triggered by nonmalignant issues and cancer may come up with symptoms that are not present on the list, for instance, fatigue or weight loss. Cancer treatment has, however, become quite advanced. Many plant-derived drugs seem to be quite effective in cancer treatment. Plant tissue culture has gone a long way in coming up with blockbuster drugs. However, early diagnosis of cancer is of critical importance. But you could consider preventing cancer or at least, minimize the risk of cancer to the extent possible. Here are a few cancer prevention commandments. 

Avoid Tobacco: You must quit smoking. Stay away from all sorts of tobacco including second-hand smoking exposure. 

Eat Well: Focus on reducing the consumption of red meat and saturated fat that may boost your chances of getting colon cancer or an advanced type of prostate cancer. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Exercise Regularly: We understand that physical activity could lead to a reduction in colon cancer risks. Regular exercise could help in minimizing the risks of reproductive cancers and breast cancer in women. 

Stay Fit & Healthy: Maintain ideal body weight. Obesity is responsible for triggering many kinds of cancer. Calories are important. If you require slimming down, consume fewer calories. Keep following a strict workout regimen to burn more calories. 

Limit Alcohol Consumption: It is best to avoid drinking but if you wish to drink, you must restrict yourself to just one drink every day. Remember excessive alcohol consumption could lead to the risks of larynx cancer, mouth cancer, esophagus cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer. Women who drink too much often face the risk of getting breast cancer. Moreover, smoking could further boost the risk of several alcohol-induced cancers.


You must follow all the preventive tips if you wish to keep cancer at bay. Moreover, focus on getting quality sleep. Your top priority for a healthy existence is getting sound sleep at night for a recommended six to eight hours every day. There is no evidence to support that sleep is directly related to cancer but we know that lack of sleep could lead to weight gain that surely is a major risk factor of cancer.

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