It can be tough to identify the mental issues of your child. This means they have to deal with their condition themselves initially.
As kids don’t always know the best way out, they often use rude behavior to justify their decisions. And as a parent, you may think they’re disobedient and naughty. So you scold them often, they feel miserable, and things don’t get better.
Guess what? No one is to blame but misunderstandings.
Yes, it sucks. We know.
But you know what’s more terrible? Such breakdowns can permanently dent their behavior. No one wants that, and that’s why identifying such signs before they escalate is the way to go.
Regardless of age, some red flags can indicate your child may be suffering from a mental breakdown.
What are these? Take a look.
They Undergo Abrupt Mood Changes
When it comes to experiencing sadness and irritability, children are no different than adults.
However, if you notice significant changes in their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors for long, it means things are blue for real.
The thing is, some mental health symptoms are present before the condition is diagnosed. So, it’s important to recognize these signs and get your child the help they need.
The good news is, spotting such signs isn’t difficult. For starters, see if they don’t like their favorite dish or cartoon anymore. Or, maybe they throw tantrums often. They also may not laugh at jokes as much.
Anything that triggers your gut to tell you something’s wrong should be enough.
They Don’t Enjoy Their Hobbies Anymore
Your child was once in love with soccer, but now they can’t be bothered to even watch the game. They used to be so excited for a piano recital, but now they refuse to practice.
If your child stops participating in those activities they once loved, it could be a sign of depression or another mood disorder.
So, what can you do? Talk to them.
Ask them if something’s bothering them. Or, someone might be bullying them.
But hey, don’t ask this as a Parent, rather as a friend. Try to talk less and listen more. Build trust, hold their hand and let them pour their heart out.
If you still can’t get anything out of them, you know something’s wrong.
Their Anger Is Over The Roof
Anger issues in children can manifest in several ways.
Some kids are frequently defiant and disobedient. They refuse to listen to or follow adult rules and have trouble respecting the authority of adults or other children.
Others may hit people or destroy property when they’re angry. Some act out by yelling, kicking, screaming, pouting, or crying.
Although it’s normal for youngsters to throw a fit from time to time, when the behavior becomes frequent, it should be checked out by a physician.
Watch out for these red flags:
- Aggressiveness
- Frequent hissy fits
- Rude replies
- Frequent tantrums
They Have Troubles Sleeping
Kids are supposed to get 8-10 hours of sleep every night. However, issues like a fight with a friend, bullying, or social media can keep them up late at night.
As long as they don’t complain of sleep issues, this shouldn’t raise any red flags. But if they’ve been experiencing trouble sleeping consistently, it could mean a far bigger problem.
Now, this can lead to various problems.
For starters, if your child is struggling with sleep, you may notice a changed behavior. For example, they might be more irritable, needing more cuddling, or acting out as they wait for bedtime.
The time it takes them to fall asleep can also be an indicator of their mental stability. More time to fall asleep can mean lesser mental peace and vice versa.
They Have A Tough Time Socializing
Your child may face issues socializing if they have not fully developed the skills to interact with other children.
These skills typically develop at different times in a child’s development. You must stay with them in their developmental stages. Try to spend a few hours daily with your little champ.
Additionally, a child’s socializing skills could be due to a larger problem. They can be experiencing bullying at school, or their family relationships are in turmoil. This could affect how they talk to others.
It is important to take your child’s concerns seriously and have an open conversation about supporting them.
Autism also inhibits a kid from socializing. In that case, you can consider various ABA therapy techniques to help your kid back on track.
Do you think your kid is suffering from any of the above-stated signs? Let us know in the comments!
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