Inflammation is an important process of the immune system that happens in response to infection and injury. When this occurs in your body, the immune system repairs and heals the damaged tissues, defends your body against harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses. But when this inflammation process continues for too long or happens in areas where it’s not supposed, it can lead to serious health problems. This article will look at the forms of inflammation and how you can handle them.
Acute inflammation
Acute inflammation can happen in various ways. You can get suffer from it if you have a sprained ankle, a cut on the knee, or a sore throat. Your immune system responds to such short-term problems by trying to heal the precise areas. The notable signs of this acute inflammation are swelling, redness, heat, and pain and loss of functions of the affected parts.
This is what happens when you have an acute inflammation. Your blood vessels widen leading to an increase in the blood flow. This may cause a lot of white blood cells to go to the affected area to promote healing. The damaged tissues release chemicals such as cytokines that pull in hormones, immune cells, and nutrients to heal and repair the problem. As your body mends, the acute inflammation goes away.
Chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation can have more serious consequences than acute inflammation and it can have long-term health effects. It’s persistent and is considered to have low-grade inflammation. This means there is a steady rise in inflammation throughout your body.
This systematic inflammation can be caused by a sense of internal threat to your body. Unfortunately, the immune system can sometimes respond even when there isn’t anything to fight against or heal an injury. Because of this, the white blood cells might turn to your internal organs, healthy cells, or healthy tissues.
Chronic inflammation has been associated with stroke, cancer, and heart disease. If you have low-grade inflammation, you might not show any symptoms. The good news is that doctors have various methods that they use to detect it
How to prevent Inflammation
Recognizing the threats of inflammation, companies have developed various anti-inflammatory diets, such as the Mediterranean diet. The components of such diets have omega-3 fats that are known to have properties of protecting your body from damage as a result of inflammation.
An anti-inflammatory diet recommends that you should avoid foods that can cause inflammation. Therefore, you should reduce the foods that have a high content of saturated and trans fats like red meats and dairy products. Besides, you should minimize eating refined carbohydrates and sugary foods, such as bread and white rice.
Perhaps, another best way to prevent inflammation is by taking beetroot capsules. These capsules are another favorite way of keeping away this problem. This product has beetroot extract as one of its ingredients and with only 2 capsules each day, you can prevent inflammation. The idea for using the capsules is to remove sugars, meaning you end up with a product that doesn’t have calories. This can relieve aches and pains caused by inflammation and injuries.
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