Image Source: HealthShots
If you are planning to get pregnant, there are many reasons why you might not succeed the first time. There are also many reasons why you might not succeed for the 100th time. The thing about trying to get pregnant is that it isn’t always easy, no matter how ready you and your partner might be. In fact, even couples who have been trying to conceive for a long time can find that getting pregnant isn’t as simple as they expected it to be.
As per Dr. Mohit Saraogi, “IUI is used to treat infertility and is often done in multiple cycles until pregnancy is achieved—or another treatment is tried. IUI is often the first procedure tried before moving on to more invasive options, such as in-vitro fertilisation(IVF)”.
If you plan on trying again, there are some things you should know if your IUI fails. With so many ways to get pregnant and different factors that can affect your ability to do so, it’s easy to understand why anyone would have a hard time getting pregnant. Even so, this does not mean that you should not keep trying or assume something is wrong with you or your partner.
For many people, getting pregnant is difficult at first but gets easier with time and practice.
What is IUI and how does it work?
IUI stands for intrauterine insemination, a type of assisted reproductive technology used to help couples conceive. When a woman’s reproductive system is not functioning properly, fertility treatments like IUI can help. IUI can also be useful for couples who are in a hurry to get pregnant or for those who have not had success with other methods.
During an IUI procedure, a healthcare provider will take some sperm and put it inside a woman’s uterus using a small syringe. The sperm may come from the woman’s partner or from a donor. The syringe is inserted through the woman’s cervix and into her uterus. The sperm stays put in the uterus for several hours to give it plenty of time to reach the fallopian tubes and hopefully fertilize an egg.
Risks of Multiple IUI Cycles: Ectopic Pregnancy & Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Even though IUI is a low-risk procedure, women should be aware of some risks associated with multiple IUI cycles. One risk is ectopic pregnancy. This is when a fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus. It is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Doctors recommend that individuals who are trying to conceive with IUI should have a blood pregnancy test one week after each IUI cycle to screen for an ectopic pregnancy. If you have had multiple ectopic pregnancies after using IUI, then you should discuss other options with your doctor.
Another risk associated with multiple IUI attempts is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS occurs when the ovaries become swollen and filled with fluid because they are overproducing hormones. OHSS is a serious condition that can lead to serious complications. It can also cause fertility problems in the future if it is not treated.
Image by Kenya laparoscopic surgery services
How to Increase your Chances of Getting Pregnant with IUI
There are many ways you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with IUI. First and foremost, you should schedule your IUI appointments at the best time for conception. Your doctor can help you decide when would be the best time for you. Additionally, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with IUI by eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying hydrated.
You may also consider taking folic acid supplements to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in your baby. You can also try to reduce your stress level and avoid activities that could affect your fertility, such as excessive alcohol consumption or smoking. You can also try using ovulation kits or other forms of fertility tracking to help you identify your most fertile days.
What to Expect after an IVF Cycle or if you are on the Waiting List for an IUI Cycle?
After an IVF cycle, you will most likely be given a pregnancy test. If the test comes back negative, you may be offered another round of IVF or be put on the waiting list for an IUI cycle. If you are waiting for an IUI cycle, you may want to try charting your ovulation and using ovulation kits to determine when you are most fertile.
Getting pregnant is hard, especially when you are trying to conceive with IUI. There are a lot of things that need to go right for you to get pregnant, and that all happens inside your body. If there is something wrong or your body is not working the way it is supposed to during the conception process, it may take longer than you expect to conceive. That is normal, though. It does not mean something is wrong or that you have failed. It just means that it can take a couple longer than average to get pregnant. There are many reasons why you may not succeed the first time.
With these in mind, you can take comfort in knowing that it is normal to not get pregnant on the first try. Even though it may be frustrating while you are waiting, it is important to remember not to get discouraged.
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