Is Dental Assistant a Good Career Choice?

Updated on November 14, 2022

Is a dental assistant a good job path to consider? Yes! Between 2019 and 2029, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 7% growth. This is higher than average jobs.

As the baby boomer generation gets older, there is a higher need for dental procedures. As a result, all jobs in the dental field are in demand.

Would you like to know more about being a dental assistant? Then keep reading!

Is a Dental Assistant a Good Job?

If you want a job with many employment opportunities, yes, being a dental assistant is a good job. There are opportunities for advancement and many rewards.

Some dental offices let you learn on the job. In some states, you may need a diploma from a recognized and accredited dental assistant program.

What Are the Responsibilities of a Dental Assistant?

One of the main dental assistant’s responsibilities is interacting with clients and staff.

You will help clients set up appointments and direct them to various parts of the office. Your pleasing attitude can make their visit a good experience. You may have to resolve client conflicts, too.

Working with staff, you provide support to them. You keep track of files and ensure they are available to staff. Office organization helps other dental staff do their job.

What Are Dental Assistant Opportunities for Advancement?

As a dental assistant, you can obtain further training to advance in your career. You may decide to become a dental assistant or even a dentist. This can increase your earnings.

Starting as a dental assistant is a great way to explore the dental field. You can earn money as you learn and gain experience. Continue your schooling part-time to give yourself more opportunities.

What are the Disadvantages of Being a Dental Assistant? 

One of the least pleasurable parts of the job is cleaning up bodily fluids. This usually means saliva, but it may also include blood or pus.

In a dental office, you will be working near people’s mouths. Bad odors or graphic procedures can be part of that. If you’re squeamish this can be hard to handle.

Sitting in one position and staying completely still is one of the risks of being a dental assistant. Sometimes this results in headaches, numbness, or backaches. Wrist pain is also a possibility.

Is being a dental assistant worth it? If you love working with people and organizations, these disadvantages may mean very little to you. In that case, yes, it is worth it!

A Dental Assistant Career Is Enjoyable and Rewarding

If you have wondered, is a dental assistant a good job, continue to explore the field. You’ll find that it provides many rewards and is a great starting point for anyone that loves working with people.

Many dental assistants choose to continue their training to get promoted or advance in their careers.

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