Interesting Hotmail Facts You Might Not Know

Updated on July 30, 2020

In email and messaging, healthcare professionals are able to send patients/caregivers information on promoting health and preventing disease. One of the oldest types of services that the world has known is Hotmail. Long before Facebook Messenger, and other messaging apps even existed, Hotmail was the first and only form of e-communication back in the day. If you don’t know anything about Hotmail, here are some facts to freshen your mind.

Hotmail was formerly MSN Hotmail

When Microsoft gained Hotmail from its original owners, the company named it MSN Hotmail. The app was made to be Hotmail’s new brand since it was already registered under the MSN group of services. The name remained until 2007 and was launched via Windows Live Hotmail. This is also one of the most common Hotmail facts.

Hotmail focuses on emailing

Hotmail allowed its users to view and manage emails through its inbox folders. It also allows users to send emails, and it makes text communication easier than ever. You can construct a message by clicking “New Message” on the website. You can also view all your sent messages on the Sent Items folder, make templates of emails that you normally send, and it keeps it on drafts. 

It is accessible on other online Microsoft Hotmail services

In Hotmail’s interface, you will see six dots that are grouped. The icon is at the top left corner of the page. Click the icon, and it will show all the Microsoft services that you can use. You can access MS Word, One Drive, Notes, and more. 

You can permanently delete your Hotmail account

If you realize Hotmail does not work well for you, you can permanently delete your account. To do so, you need to login to Microsoft’s website and click on “Security.” Choose “More security options” and then hit “Explore.” 

By then, you will immediately receive a verification code on your backup email address. Type in the code to verify your identity. Once done, scroll down the page and click on “Close my account.” That option will send you to another page that will continue your account deletion. 

Click all the boxes that apply on what is the reason for your account deletion. The options will be shown on a drop-down menu. Once done, click on “Mark account for closure” to finally delete the account. 

Easy to change passwords

When you want to change your account’s password, you don’t have to go through a lot. You can go to your profile and click on “My Account.” Then you will be directed to your profile account. 

Once you’re there, you can see “Security” on top of the page. Click on that and choose “Change Password.” Create a new password that you wish and then click on “Save” when you’re done.

Hotmail has a simple settings menu

When you want to change your account settings, or perhaps security settings, you don’t have to sweat it on Hotmail. The email app allows users to access all settings with its precise settings menu. The settings icon is in the form of a calendar and is in the upper right area of the interface. 

You can see your Skype messages on Hotmail

You don’t have to miss anything on Skype because you can access your Skype account and messages on Hotmail. You can click on the Skype icon on the top right page of the email interface. A drop-down menu will appear, and you can open a message on Skype from there. You can also open as many chat boxes as you wish.

Share your calendars on Hotmail contacts

If you have an upcoming event that you want to share with your friends and family, you can access your calendar on Hotmail. Share your calendars to people you want to invite and share the event with. The calendar will only be viewed and accessed by anyone you authorized. 

The Hotmail calendar can show weather forecasts

Aside from events and your schedule, you can also check the weather using Hotmail’s calendar. Mark all the days of the week and see if the sun is out or if you need to bring an umbrella. You also have the option to turn this feature off in Hotmail Calendar’s settings. 

Customize your emails and messages

If you want to put a signature on all your email templates and messages, you can customize one in Hotmail. Go to your message settings and choose “Customize actions.” You can make as many customizations as you want and select them when you open a message on Outlook. The toolbar is always available for you to use.

Block unwanted people on Hotmail

If you have a creepy stalker or always receive messages to someone you don’t know, you can block that person on Hotmail. You can go to your Mail settings on Outlook and then click “Junk Email.” Type in the email address that bothers you and hit enter. Save all the changes for you to block the email address successfully.


Hotmail is one of the coolest messaging and emailing programs there is in history. It has all the best features that were way advanced compared to other emailing apps in the past. Although there are tons of email apps nowadays, Hotmail will always remain in people’s hearts.

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