For people who want to restore their picture-perfect smiles, there are several different cosmetic dental procedures available, thanks to the technology the world is enjoying in this day and age. It’s also a good thing that dentures, veneers, and other cosmetic dental solutions have become more affordable to the masses because of the presence of dental insurance plans.
Missing a tooth may seem like an insignificant dental issue out of every dental problem that exists. However, thousands of people have lost their teeth due to poor oral hygiene, health problems, and accidents. For these individuals, a mouth that’s full of missing teeth, or even only missing a single tooth, is a big deal.
You’re in the right place if you’re worried that missing teeth or a tooth can hinder your ability of making a good first impression or you’re not feeling hundred-percent confident about your smile. In this post, you’ll learn about implants, veneers, and dentures. At the end of the article, you should be able to weigh your options and figure out what solution best fits your situation.
What Are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is a surgical device that interfaces directly with the natural bone or cartilage of a person’s jaw to support an oral prosthesis, like a denture, bridge, crown, dental bridge, or a full denture. It can be used in conjunction with other methods or on its own. Dental implants can be made of titanium, gold, or even bone, and can take a number of forms, like a tooth replacement.
As stated, implants for your teeth are made of titanium. The material is strong and durable. Since they’re so strong, they can support the whole weight of a person’s mouth. They also have the advantage of being more resistant to any pressure that may be applied to them. Therefore, they tend to last longer and will also provide more comfort when compared to other dental solutions available.

What Are Dentures?
If you’re missing teeth or any of your front teeth are discolored or damaged, then, dentures can be a good dental solution for you. The word ‘denture’ refers to a removable tooth prosthetic. False teeth are dentures made of a hard resin material that’s molded to mimic natural teeth. In the past, dentures were only used by dentists and orthodontics; they’re too expensive for most people. Today, however, there are many types of denture available for use by anyone who wants to have some of their teeth replaced.
Dentures come in various sizes and shapes, so the patient can choose one that fits the size and shape of their teeth perfectly. The cost of these artificial teeth varies greatly depending on the model, style, and manufacturer. One of the most common ways to get dentures is by purchasing them from a dentist, which is, of course, the most recommended way of getting a denture.
What Are Veneers?
If you’ve ever considered a dental solution for fixing your smile, then, you’ve surely came across dental veneers. What are veneers? They’re also known as dental laminates. They can be found in many forms, but are most often found in porcelain or composite materials. Veneers are actually made of a thin layer that permanently adheres to the back of your teeth in order to give them an accurate and corrected appearance. They’re also among the most popular options when it comes to correcting chipped teeth, missing teeth, gaps in between teeth, or crooked teeth.
Final Verdict
So, which one should you get? Implants, veneers, or dentures? Chances are you’ve already done your research, and most of the recommendations you received is to get dental implants over traditional dentures and veneers. You may be asking yourself why dental implants are better than traditional dentures and veneers. The simple answer to this question is the ease of use and maintenance. Unlike other methods, you can simply wear your implants at your initial visit and get them fitted for the look and style that you want.
Say, for example, you have a gap between your two front teeth. In order to fill in this gap, you’ll need to have a denture or veneer that will act as a false tooth. With traditional dentures and veneers, you’ll have to visit your dentist weekly or every two weeks for monitoring and adjustments.
Now, with dental implants, the process is made easier. You simply go into a dental clinic and have them remove the affected or damage tooth or teeth, or replace a missing tooth or teeth. You’ll, then, have a new titanium crown placed over your natural tooth or teeth’s original position. Because the filling is made of a highly durable material, it doesn’t have to be adjusted from time to time. It even lasts longer than traditional veneers or dentures.
Dental implants also provide other notable benefits, such as preventing bone loss, restoring bite force, supporting facial structure, enabling natural speech, preventing cavities, and supporting adjacent teeth. All of these things combined makes dental implants the perfect solution for gaps between your teeth or for complete tooth replacement.
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