Your dog is one of your best friends and a member of your family. They are a constant source of love in your life and accompany you through all the good and the bad. For this reason, you understandably hate to see your pup sick or feeling unwell in any way. Not only are they unable to tell you what is wrong and how they are feeling, but dogs tend to act unlike their usual selves when they aren’t well.
The good news is that there are some things you can do to help with some of the more common health conditions that can arise in dogs. Preventative and reactive care will both come into play when you are dealing with your dog’s health. Here is how you can treat three common health issues in dogs.
1. Anxiety
No one likes to feel anxious, especially your dog. Because dogs are so sensitive to their environments as well as the people around them, they can suffer from anxiety easily at times. While it is easy to see why some things might make your pup anxious, it isn’t so easy to calm them down when you can’t explain what is going on in terms they can understand.
You should always look to create as relaxed and calm an environment as possible for your dog, particularly if they are prone to anxiety attacks, to begin with. Calming CeeBeeDoo treats are also good to keep in the house in case an occasion arises that triggers an anxiety attack in your dog. Remember that the best thing you can do when your dog is nervous is to remain as calm as you can. They will take their cues from you.
2. Flea and Tick Related Illnesses
Suffering from a flea or tick bite is uncomfortable and at times, quite painful. These pests can do more harm than just causing an itchy bite, though. Fleas and ticks carry illnesses that can prove to be fatal to dogs if they are infected. Moreover, once a dog becomes infested with fleas, it can lead to a further infestation in your home or yard.
Keep your dog and your family safe from these bugs by staying current on the recommended flea and tick preventative medications. If you suspect that your dog is suffering with an illness as a result of a bug bite, always consult your vet as soon as possible.
3. Kennel Cough
If you have ever adopted a rescue dog or sent your own dog to a pet hotel for a night or two, you would have heard about the incredibly contagious illness referred to as kennel cough. This upper respiratory illness causes a large production of phlegm that results in a distinct deep cough.
A few weeks of rest and isolation from other dogs is generally the recommended course of treatment. While it isn’t fatal in and of itself, you should take your dog to see his vet if you suspect he might have kennel cough.
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