How To Prepare For Oral Surgery in B.C

Updated on March 2, 2021

There are several things to consider when preparing for oral surgery. Firstly, you should speak to your dentist or dental health professional about what your surgery entails and if there are even alternative options to surgery available to you. Many dentists in British Columbia, specifically in Langley, suggest that you weigh your options carefully and see what the possible risks and benefits are and then decide what is most acceptable for you. Ask them as many questions as you can to ease any form of anxiety you have. You might only be thinking about the surgery itself, but it is also useful to ask about what to expect after the surgery. The best thing for your peace of mind going into surgery is to be informed.

For example, it is very important that, in the first instance, you discuss any allergies that you might have that could affect the treatment. There are many pharmaceuticals and medical devices that can cause and allergic reaction to people as well as other adverse side-effects. Therefore, it is prudent to discuss any pre-existing allergies that you have so that your dental practitioner can make an informed decision about the procedure.

Another important concern that you must discuss is the cost for your surgery itself. Depending on the type of surgery you require, dental surgery can be quite expensive and not all insurance policies cover all procedures. Therefore, you should find out the total cost of your surgery thoroughly, before undertaking any procedures and consult your insurance company. Make sure that the oral surgery you will be undergoing is fully covered by your health insurance, and if is not, make sure you have alternative ways to make the necessary payment. Often you can reach an agreement with your dentist to pay via installments to make the surgery affordable. Your dentist will let you know all options that are available to you before the surgery.

Another thing you need to be sure of is that you have someone to accompany you to the surgery. That person would be able to help you with transportation before and after your surgery. This is because dental surgeries are notoriously painful, and it is likely that you will be sedated and have side-effects from the drugs. Your judgement will be impaired and if you drive, you will not be able to do so immediately after your surgery. If you do not have anyone to accompany you, then you may have to wait until the effects wear off before you try to journey home. Alternatively, you will have to make use of a taxi service or private car hire. Public transport would not be appropriate because you may have to wait at a bus stop or station for an unknown amount of time and walk between stops to catch more than one transport. This would introduce unnecessary risk as you would unlikely be fit enough to walk unaided, let alone drive.

Various British Columbia doctors and dental surgeons have suggested that you should fast before your surgery. In this case, you would not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your surgery. If you do, you might experience complications. This can help you deal better with the anesthesia that might be involved and avoid any medical complication that may arise. This means not eating anything on the day of the procedure, although eating the night before should be fine. However, if you have underlying conditions like diabetes that make fasting a challenge for you, speak to your doctor about what your options are.

In Addition, put preparations in place for your after-surgery care. You may experience a lot of discomfort so adjust your surroundings accordingly and find out from your doctor how long your recovery will take. You should have a comfortable place to rest at home when the surgery is over and someone on hand to take care of your needs in case you have trouble preparing food or perform other daily duties. On the issue of comfort, make sure you wear something comfortable to the surgery. It will be one less of discomfort to think about. You may also find out what type of oral care routine you will need to adopt and what kind of foods you will be able to consume when you return home.

It might not seem important but try to show up early for your appointment if at all possible. This means up to half an hour, and at least 15 minutes, before your appointment time. This will give you ample time to ask any final questions you want to ask before the procedure. Additionally, it gives you time to fill out the necessary paperwork which can often take up considerable time to fill, especially if you need to consult your insurance policy provider. If you are early enough, you may even have time to relax a bit before facing the surgery, helping you reduce your anxiety and put you at ease before the surgery starts.

If you are nervous about your upcoming appointment or you are thinking about delaying necessary surgery until after the pandemic, Langley oral surgery and other dental practitioners across the greater Vancouver area have instituted preventative measures at their physical locations to ensure your safety. While medical professionals in other provinces, such as AB or ON may have chosen to approach this differently, you should consult the provincial agencies who oversee those matters.

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