Every business group needs some form of an organizational chart. They’re a great way to show, at a glance, who’s responsible for what and how big an organization is while also being aesthetically-pleasing works of art. Many would argue that making an organizational chart isn’t necessary these days with things like Google Docs and other collaborative software out there – but I believe that a well-done organizational chart can still be a valuable asset to any business.
There are many ways to make an organizational chart, but I’ll share with you my process for creating one that has an impact. The first step is to gather all of the information you need. This includes:
• Names and Titles of Employees
Start off with a good list of everyone within the organization.
• Department or Group Heading
If your company has teams or departments, it is also important to list down the various supervisors, managers, and team leaders.
• Reporting Structure for your org chart (Who Reports to Who)
This one is very important in order to have a good organizational chart. Knowing the hierarchy of your company from person to person, teams to teams, and departments to departments is crucial in creating a successful chart.
• A basic idea of your organizational structure
It’s best to ask employees for this information in person or via email, as opposed to through an online form. You want to make sure that the organizational chart you create contains accurate data so there are no hiccups moving forward. Another thing I like about gathering data in person (or over email) is that you can see if they’re comfortable sharing certain pieces of information with you. If something doesn’t feel right, then it isn’t! This way, you know exactly what kind of information you need and what kind you don’t. The reason it’s important to do this is that some groups may be more willing to share details than others – especially when it comes to things like hierarchy and processes.
Once you have all of this information, it’s time to start sketching out your organizational chart. I like to use a whiteboard or large piece of paper for this – something that will allow me to move things around easily. Start by drawing your company’s name in the center of the page and then draw a large circle around it. This will be your main group or department.
Next, start drawing the lines that connect the different employees and groups. Be sure to use accurate titles and reporting structures – this is where having all of the information you gathered earlier will come in handy. As you’re drawing, keep in mind the following tips:
• Keep your company organizational chart simple
The average person should be able to glance at your organizational chart and understand it immediately. take a look at your chart outline and get a good list of how many people, groups, and departments there are in your company. From there, visualize how you can tackle the task of keeping it clean and organized.
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• Don’t clutter your business organizational chart
You want the important information to stand out, not be hidden amongst a bunch of unnecessary lines and symbols. Artwork elements, while extremely useful can also negatively impact your chart.
Visualize your organizational chart and check whether it’s legible or just a big mess. If it is the latter, then you will have to redo it.
• Use colors and shapes to differentiate different groups
This can make your organizational chart more visually appealing. It also ensures that your chart is clean, organized, and easy to decipher. It should be made so that every team, group, or department is easily identifiable to each other. utilize the power of colors and shapes!
• Use arrows to indicate reporting structures
Arrows are a great way to show who’s responsible for what. Arrows are also important if you want a quick way to find out who reports to who. This way, every situation that requires you to check for hierarchy will easily be solved by your chart.
Your company structure chart is nearly done!
Once you’ve finished sketching out your organizational chart, it’s time to add some finishing touches. I like to use a different color for each group and add text labels to the different shapes and arrows. This will help make your organizational chart even more clear.
Once you have a final version, be sure to print it out and hang it somewhere in the office where everyone can see it. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to who’s responsible for what. An organizational chart is a great way to make an impactful first impression and show employees that you’re serious about organization and clarity within the workplace.
When you’re finished, you should have a beautiful and informative organizational chart that can be used as a reference tool for employees and managers alike. It’s a great way to show your company’s hierarchy and who reports to who. So, if you’re looking to create an impactful organizational chart, follow these simple steps!
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