When you are looking for weight loss, MCTs or medium-chain triglycerides can help you a bunch. As the preferred source of energy for your body, they metabolize into ketones and support cellular functions.
If you choose the best chocolate MCT oil powder without any additives or artificial ingredients, you will get an effective low-carb diet for supporting your keto lifestyle. If you wonder how they can support the growth of ketones, let’s find out.
Understanding the Process of Ketosis
Ketones are the most efficient source of fuel in the body. When your body burns extra fat, it results in ketone production. The ketones are used by cells to trigger their functions. Hence, you can understand ketosis as the metabolic state of maintaining your blood ketones at a level above 0.5mmol/liter.
A ketogenic diet rich in adequate proteins and low carbohydrates can induce ketosis in the body. You will enter this phase when your body loses a lot of glucose and breaks down the fat storage. From weight loss to better physical performance, it has many benefits for long-term fitness.
How Can MCTs Lead to Ketone Production?
Typically, your body has medium-chain fatty acids that are 8-12 carbons long. But, the primary enzymes for assembling triglycerides work effectively with fatty acids that are 14 or more carbons long.
Since medium-chain fatty acids are short, you will end up burning them instead of converting these fatty acids into triglycerides. Also, these acids are easy to oxidize in several cell organs, including peroxisomes. Hence, your body needs external sources of MCTs to trigger ketone production. Supplements like chocolate MCT oil powder can help.
Benefits of Using MCT Oil Powder for Ketosis
With the right type of powdered MCT oil supplement, you can gain several benefits and stimulate ketosis. It helps to burn extra fats between the meals and leads to better energy production.
After eating carbohydrates, if you consume MCT powder, your body will get back into ketosis. The best part about the supplements is the enhancement of nutrient absorption with their daily intake. They not only provide clean energy to your body but also act as a precursor to other ketones and quickly take your body in the state of ketosis.
In the powdered form, MCT oil is easy to digest as well. It will add a delicious taste and creamy texture to your favorite drinks if you choose a flavored variety. From shakes to smoothies, you can add this supplement to any beverage of your choice.
What is the Recommended Dosage for Ketone Production?
For a better ketone production in the body, you should buy organic and high-quality MCT oil powder. Prefer a brand that grows and processes its ingredients without any traces of toxins or heavy metals. Look for a non-GMO and pure powder that has no artificial sweetener, soy, or lactose.
Once you choose the right type of powder, get the correct dosage to improve your ketone levels. A 30-gram dosage of MCT oil supplement every day can give positive results. It equals six teaspoons of five grams each for metabolic adjustments to your diet.
With the right booster like MCT oil powder, you can achieve the state of ketosis one day after beginning the diet.
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