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Clothing for women
Choose a light shirt or sweatshirt. Wear a breathable material such as cotton or polyester. When you work out, you get hot and sweat, so you want to make sure your gym clothes don’t trap heat. If possible, choose a top that is specially designed to absorb sweat. You could wear a tank top or sports bra for a more breathable, albeit sexier, outfit.
If you have large breasts, a sports bra can be essential for a comfortable gym experience. Regardless of the size, a little extra support never hurts.
Wear dark clothing
“Wear dark sportswear if you exercise during your period because it automatically leads to more calmness,” says Nekonam.
The reason: if the protection does wear off, it is not so noticeable in darker clothing. “It’s best to always have spare underwear with you in your gym clothes bag, just in case,” recommends the fitness expert.
Choose your pants
Wear something soft with an elastic waistband: gym shorts, sweatpants, sweatpants, or yoga pants as your gym clothes. You should be able to do a full range of leg workouts while wearing pants. The pants you wear also depend on the effect you are looking for: tight dresses can help you show off, and more flowing garments can help you hide.
The shorts can provide you with maximum flexibility but may also show a lot of skin. If you feel embarrassed with shorts: wear sweatshirts or yoga pants.
If you are wearing shorts, look at yourself from all angles in a mirror before hitting the gym.
Bring adequate footwear
The shoes you wear will depend on the type of exercises you are doing. If you do any cardio, bring shoes that will offer plenty of protection for your feet and legs. Keep in mind that many gyms don’t allow open-toed shoes.
If you run on a treadmill, be sure to bring running shoes. If you’re going to be using an elliptical or stationary bike, your footwear doesn’t matter much – just wear something comfortable that you can be comfortable.
If you train weights, be sure to wear something with ample ankle support.
Clothing for men
Wear workout shorts or sweatshirts
Make sure your pants offer you a full range of motion. Be aware of how much you will sweat during your workout and think about how much your body temperature will rise.
Try not to wear workout shorts that extend more than an inch below the knees, especially if they are wide around the legs. The shorter the shorts, the shorter your range of motion.
Get a breathable and flexible shirt. A cotton T-shirt or tank top will suffice. Alternatively, choose a breathable polyester T-shirt. Choose something that will absorb sweat and won’t restrict your range of motion.
A tank top will show your arms, and a shirt can be a slightly more modest choice. Decide what you are looking for.
Choose the appropriate footwear. The shoes you wear will depend on the type of exercises you are doing. If you do cardio, bring shoes that will offer plenty of protection for your feet and legs.
If you run on a treadmill, be sure to bring running shoes. If you’re going to be using an elliptical or stationary bike, your footwear doesn’t matter much – just wear something comfortable that you can fit in.
If you are training with weights, be sure to wear something with ample ankle support. Running shoes are always a good choice.
General tips while going for a gym workout
Wear light, breathable socks
Cotton socks are generally a good choice. Make sure the socks are neither too tight nor too loose!
Wear high or low socks to your taste. Short socks will give your legs more room to breathe, but high socks can help absorb sweat.
Tight stockings can constrict legs and slow blood circulation. On the other hand, socks that are too loose may distract you by sliding down your legs.
Bring a towel
As you move to the gym, use a soft, clean towel to wipe away the sweat. You don’t want to leave sweat on the seat of a car. Most gyms provide clean towels that members can use during their workouts. Don’t share a towel with anyone; otherwise, you risk sharing germs!
Clean the sweat you leave; use a small clean towel to wipe the sweat, bars, and other sweat-affected parts. Your sweat carries bacteria that could infect someone else if left to dry on the car!
Wash your clothes after the gym
If left to dry on the fabric, even your sweat can generate harmful bacteria and thus infect you. Odor-producing bacteria tend to grow better on polyester than cotton, but you should wash all your gym clothes regardless.
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