How to Choose the Perfect Degree

For some, High School can’t finish fast enough, but for others, with no idea about what career path to follow, the thought of graduation fills them with fear. If, despite talking with a careers counsellor, you are still unsure about what degree to do, read on for some sound advice about how to choose the perfect degree for you.

Do what you love

It is very likely that the subjects you love are also the subjects in which you excel. This being the case, it makes sense to choose a degree in a subject that you thoroughly enjoy. However, not everyone chooses their degree in this way, relying more on the thought of job prospects to determine which degree they select. By studying a subject you love you are more likely to remain focused during your studies and gain a great grade in the process.

Speak to your parents

Despite what you might think, your parents do have some idea about what is best for you. Your parents may have been in the exact situation you are in now, so talk to them about how they decided what degree to take, and if they made any mistakes from which you can learn. Your parents will also know you better than you know yourself, and will be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and how these may impact on any course you follow.

Consider how long you want to spend at college

It could be the case that you know what kind of career you want, but the idea of extensive study before you qualify could be putting you off. This is often the case with medical careers, with students dismissing medicine for fear of prolonged study. However, if you have an interest in sciences, this should be something you investigate further. Not all health care and medical jobs require several years of study and you could find that a lucrative career in health care is closer than you think. For more information, and a List Of Pre Med Careers, visit

Don’t give in to peer pressure

Just because your best friend, boyfriend, or girlfriend is heading to the other side of the country to study, it doesn’t mean you must follow. Choosing your degree and place of study based on what someone else is doing is not a wise choice and you will almost certainly regret it. If it is your partner that is leaving town to study then they have made it clear that they are willing to miss you in order to concentrate on their studies. You should be doing exactly the same thing as your degree could determine your career path for life, whereas your High School romance could end a few weeks into your first year of university. If you are worried you will miss your friends, remember there are lots of new friends waiting for you at your chosen institution. Don’t be swayed to attend a certain university or enrol on a specific course just because someone else wants you to. This decision should be based on your skills, and your ambitions.