How Regular Cold Therapy Enhances Physical and Mental Health

Updated on January 22, 2025

Have you ever experienced a spark of energy after you splash cold water on your face? Now, imagine multiplying that sensation tenfold and having it embrace your entire body. This is how cold therapy feels in a nutshell and why so many people seem to be hooked. If you are still wondering why anyone would willingly jump into a bathtub full of ice, read on.

The Chill Factor: Why Cold Therapy Works

Cold therapy is not really a new trend. It’s been around for centuries, often associated with ice baths and the infamous polar bear plunge. The idea is pretty straightforward: expose your body to cold and reap the benefits. When you get in a cold bath, the body goes into action mode.

Your blood vessels constrict and blood rushes to the core of your body to protect the most vital internal organs (insulation). Inflammation decreases, muscles recover faster and soreness goes away in no time. This is why athletes have been taking ice baths for years. It’s not only the muscles that benefit from cold therapy. The water causes a sudden discharge of endorphins, the happy hormone that makes you feel refreshed, attentive, and happier.

A Mental Boost with Every Plunge

Cold therapy is a test for your mind as much as it is for your body. The first time you get in the water, your brain goes crazy and your fight or flight response system goes off, thinking you are dying and need to save your life. However, once you withstand those first few seconds of shock, something truly transformative happens.

You get to control your body, train your mind, build up a defense against the freezing cold water, and learn to feel comfortable in an unfamiliar uncomfortable situation. As you do that over and over consciously, it also becomes second nature in the way you respond to other challenging or stressful situations in your life. There are many studies that suggest that cold exposure will reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress on a physiological level.

Start Your Cold Therapy Journey

Still not convinced to get in the tub? It’s wise to start rolling down the hill in baby steps. Here’s how you can introduce yourself:

Baby steps: Start taking cold showers. Simply turn down the slider on your shower from warm to cold and help yourself with a prayer. You can start with 15 seconds and gradually increase the time when you are ready.

Use the right equipment: When you’re ready to give it a try, consider purchasing a cold plunge tub. These tubs will regulate your temperature and give you a good idea of what the experience is like.

Breathe: The best thing you can do in a cold tub is to breathe slowly and fully. It will keep you calm and centered while your body tries to warm itself up in the unnatural cold.

Set a time: First-timers should start small, say, up to a minute or two. After a few tries, scale up and stay longer in the water as your body adjusts.

Whether you’re looking for relief, motivation, or a new health trend to try, a cold plunge is definitely worth considering. The next time the everyday grind makes you burn faster, consider cooling off a little. Your body and brain will thank you.

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