In late December 2019, the first news about the Coronavirus broke out. At this instance, however, the world was yet complacent. No one had expected or imagined it to be as it is now.
But, today, times have changed. What first started out in Wuhan, China, has now spread to the rest of the world.
As the world continues to reel from the effects of the rapid spread of COVID-19, those on the front lines of healthcare need to stay safe. If private individuals are feeling this challenge, all the more is it visible in the desire of health employees to be safe at all times. When they’re the ones fighting on the front lines to save the life of others, they too, have the most pressing need to try the best that they can to protect themselves from this disease.
The Lack Of Support For Front Line Workers
Unfortunately, as of the moment, managing healthcare during COVID-19 is still a struggle. Public and private hospitals are scrambling for the lack of supplies.
Governments are largely proving a hindrance when it comes to providing the right protective gear, and that means doctors, nurses, and everyone who works in healthcare needs to ensure that they are staying as safe as possible. Whether your health facility has the PPE gear and ventilators that it needs, or you are struggling to cope without, here are the ways that medical professionals are ensuring that they are kept safer from the risk of infection. These means of coping and taking care of one’s self isn’t only limited to medical means. There’s also the need to take care of the overall well-being, particularly one’s emotional and psychological health.
With no end in sight, these precautions are already saving lives.
Taking Care of Personal Risk
Protecting yourself from COVID-19 means taking many of the same precautions that you take with any virus. By using the following personal self-care measures, you not only reduce your chance of contracting COVID-19, but you also keep yourself safe from other cases of flu and the common cold. All workers in a healthcare environment need to know:
- Using tissues to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing. Make sure that you always have a supply of tissues available and keep some on you. Never reuse tissues. Dispose of them in a bin that has a lid and remember to wash your hands. Hand sanitizers should also be used. If you lack access to issues, then sneeze or cough into your elbow instead.
- Washing your hands is essential. That means more than simply having a quick rinse twice a day. You need to wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, using both hot water and soap. In situations where washing your hands is challenging, then hand sanitizer should be used as a temporary alternative.
- Wearing face masks inside a hospital or healthcare facility is vital, but these can be misused very easily. They need to be put on and removed carefully, and one face mask will not last all day. You will need to change your face mask regularly, disposing of used masks safely.
- Alternative treatment options are proving very effective for the pandemic. Research is showing that IV stem cell COVID-19 treatments are having a positive effect, so should certainly be considered for both long and short-term use.
As a vaccine is proving challenging to find, looking after yourself during this unique time is essential.
Educate Yourself
There is a lot of misinformation flying around about COVID-19. This is precisely the reason why educating one’s self about this disease is very important. Along that line, there’s also the pressing need to learn how to identify facts from myths. Knowing facts is one of the best ways for you to fight the disease and to avoid it altogether.
While residents and communities alike struggle to get the right facts out into the world, it is up to medical professionals to know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The faster that you can recognize the signs, the earlier you can start treatments. Medical facilities are being overrun by people who think that a runny nose and a few sneezes are an indication of COVID-19. Make sure that you know the real symptoms, which include:
- High Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Muscle ache
- Coughing up blood
The more that you know about the symptoms of COVID-19, the easier it will be to prioritize high-risk patients and calm down those patients panicking for no reason.
As well as these steps, it is essential to think about your off time as well. Maintain your social distancing where possible and minimize going outside if possible. The more that you pay attention to the social issues being caused by the pandemic, the more likely that you will be able to work safely and continue to be on the front line in the fight against COVID-19.
Final Word
Whether you’re a front liner or not, there’s always that pressing need to make sure that you protect yourself from COVID-19. This is a very serious matter, after all. Hence, it isn’t one that should also be taken lightly.
When you strive to protect yourself and your family from this virus, do think about those that are also putting their lives on the front lines. Their life is never an easy one, especially with the life-threatening virus that they’re trying to cure other patients from. In learning about these means of how front liners are protecting themselves, here’s to hoping that you can also apply the same practices at home.
Throughout the year, our writers feature fresh, in-depth, and relevant information for our audience of 40,000+ healthcare leaders and professionals. As a healthcare business publication, we cover and cherish our relationship with the entire health care industry including administrators, nurses, physicians, physical therapists, pharmacists, and more. We cover a broad spectrum from hospitals to medical offices to outpatient services to eye surgery centers to university settings. We focus on rehabilitation, nursing homes, home care, hospice as well as men’s health, women’s heath, and pediatrics.