Experts’ new book pushes integration of quality and safety in nursing curriculum and practice
Today’s health care environment is constantly evolving to reflect changes in the world around us. When your organization isn’t flexible or responsive enough to incorporate those changes into the current culture, your organization will ultimately suffer. Gwen Sherwood, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, and Sara Horton-Deutsch, PhD, RN, PMHCNS, FAAN, ANEF, want to share the principles and strategies they found beneficial to empower others to successfully affect change and create reflective organizations for the benefit of their patients and staff in their own working or educational environment.
Changing an organizational culture requires more than a simple introduction to new activities or tasks, so these two experts in reflective practice and Quality Safety and Education for Nurses (QSEN), hope to make quality and safety adjustments less complex for nurses with their new book Reflective Organizations: On the Front Lines of QSEN & Reflective Practice Implementation.
“Reflection is the bridge to enacting heart-centered caring and quality nursing practice,” Dr. Horton-Deutsch said. “This book addresses why but, most importantly, how to transform nursing education and practice. Reflective practice is a way of being and a lifelong pursuit that sustains the nursing profession through consciousness, resiliency, and renewal.”
Reflective Organizations: On the Front Lines of QSEN & Reflective Practice Implementation, published by the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), is a follow-up to the authors’ highly regarded book Reflective Practice: Transforming Education and Improving Outcomes. In this new educational text, Sherwood and Horton-Deutsch guide readers on how to begin, what to expect, and how others have addressed the familiar challenges of the change process so they can easily apply it to their own organizations.
“How a system incorporates change into the organization’s culture affects sustainability,” Dr. Sherwood said. “Systematic change involves a series of carefully crafted steps. Innovation is bumpy, but there are ways to manage the challenges.”
The book is available at
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