How do Electronic Health Records improve patient care?

Updated on February 1, 2022

As technology advances day by day, it has also replaced the use of paper records in every sector of the world. This includes the healthcare sector as well. This is because the healthcare sector collects and relies on a massive amount of data. This data is essential, and therefore, it is required to be stored and retrieved constantly. 

The way these records are held has been changed due to the emergence of electronic health records (EHR). The opportunity of managing patient records and billing with the help of electronic health records and outsourcing medical billing has altered the way the healthcare system works. In this article, we will discuss the ways in which Electronic Health Records improve patient care, but let us first see what EHR is?


EHR or Electronic Health Record is basically a digital record of patient data. This record contains all the medical histories of patients. Previously, this data was documented on paper charts. But now, with the advent of the electronic health record, this record can be shared with all healthcare practitioners and providers. This easy accessibility helps in the execution of proper treatment and optimal care to the patient. 

Therefore, it won’t be wrong to say that the electronic health record software has altered how the patient records get documented, stored, and retried. In addition, it has also altered the level of care provided. 

Ways In Which EHR Has Improved Healthcare System 

Here are six ways in which electronic health records have most significantly impacted. 

Improved patient care

With the use of electronic health record software, the operational efficiency of the practitioner increases, which makes patient treatment more effective.

The reason behind it is that EHR software provides healthcare providers with analytics that facilitate identifying patterns, making the diagnosis, and suggesting treatment accordingly. 

In addition, EHR software, when integrated with other systems, enables better scheduling of appointments. This can save patients as well as the doctors time. Another benefit is that with an e-prescription, patients can order medications online. This will keep them away from the hurdle of going to the pharmacy in person. There is also improvement in the communication of patients and physicians due to electronic health records. This is because EHR allows instant messages, sharing notes, and video calling. 

Highly Accurate Patient Data

This is without a doubt the best advantage of electronic health records. It is known that to err is human, and electronic patient records are free from this strain. This is the reason that electronic medical records are more accurate and consistent. They are also accessible by everyone, everywhere, and anytime. 

In addition, electronically stored medical records keep patient data safe and secure. Electronic health record software decreases the chances of information damage, duplication, or theft. This implies that digital records eradicates human errors and also secures patient data from any discrepancies. 

Besides that, the electronic health record software enables the practitioner to upload data anytime. By doing so, practitioners can share the data with other practitioners instantly. The data in the healthcare record remains the same even if the patient decides upon changing the physician. This implies that there will be seamless continuity of the treatment even when the practitioner changes. 

Reduced Workloads

Electronic health records and outsourcing medical billing services can help a practice to generate a more consistent workflow. Electronic health record software increases productivity and decreases the physicians’ time spent on each patient. EHR reduces workload and improves patient care by streamlining processes like:

  • Scheduling follow-up appointments
  • Sending upcoming appointments reminders 
  • Facilitating medication refills 

The electronic health records include snapshots of analytics and reports of a patient’s health. This helps the practitioner in providing better health care while reducing cognitive functioning and time.

Increases Coordinated Care

As time has passed, the healthcare system has become complex. In the past, patients usually visited a single hospital, one healthcare provider, and other doctors were also from the same practice. Now patients go to physicians from various hospitals, which requires communication and coordination between multiple providers to improve care.

Coordinated care significantly benefits from electronic health record software. The records of the silent patient can be managed and shared by multiple physicians with the help of EHR. 

Involvement Of Patients In Their Care

An electronic health record system enables patients to view their health profile and communicate with their doctor via e-mail and messaging. It also allows a patient to

  • Schedule appointments 
  • Reschedule appointments 
  • Ask questions
  • Understand and improve health care outcomes 
  • Stay engaged and motivated
  • Remain accountable and informed

The EHR system saves the time of your staff and decreases missed appointments. The patient portal is a crucial part of the EHR system. An engaged, motivated, and informed patient is the most vital person in achieving quality health outcomes. 

Lower Cost

Often upon diagnosis, patients may require help from different providers simultaneously. With the use of an electronic health record system, the patient needs to go under the procedure or treatment once, as the results of the procedures are accessible to all the providers. This saves the patient from undergoing procedures separately and thereby saves them from paying for the same procedure multiple times. 

Wrapping up!

The above discussion shows that Electronic Health Records or EHR have altered how patient history and clinical data are shared, accessed, and read. Evidently, EHR has caused better interpretation of data which has led to improved patient care and a better healthcare system. In order to take full advantage of EHR, care providers should consider outsourcing medical billing. Outsourcing medical billing also helps healthcare providers to focus on patient care. Outsourcing medical billing services from companies like UControl Billing do not require you to use any other system as they efficiently perform all the necessary duties on the existing EHR of the practice.

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