From cosmetic to caesarean, many different procedures might cause you to prescribe compression garments for your patients. Professionals design these garments to apply constant, even pressure to specific parts of the body, providing support and promoting circulation. Here’s an overview of how compression garments benefit patients after surgery.
Reduce Swelling and Bruising
Swelling and bruising are two of the most common symptoms after a surgery, as they’re a natural part of the body’s recovery process. Swelling happens because the body sends fluid to the surgical site. Compression garments promote healthy blood flow, and keep excess fluid from building up, which reduces swelling. They also help combat bruising, which occurs when blood enters the tissue surrounding injured blood vessels and discolors the skin. The pressure from compression garments keeps these blood vessels in place, which prevents them from rising to the skin’s surface and discoloring it.
Battle Discomfort
Rest is a key part of recovery, but the discomfort caused by surgery can make it hard for patients to get a good night’s sleep. Compression garments are soft, well-fitting, and comfortable, so they help alleviate post-surgical aches. This is particularly important during the first few weeks of the recovery journey. By consistently wearing compression garments designed for recovery, patients can move, position themselves, and sleep with less pain. This means they can get the rest their body needs to heal, regain energy, and start the recovery process off on the right foot.
Minimize Scarring
One of the ways compression garments benefit patients after surgery is by reducing the severity of scars from the operation. While scars from cosmetic surgeries are often discretely placed—and all scars fade over time—compression garments can help patients who are worried about scarring. The pressure and stability of these garments help hold the skin around the surgical site in place, which helps the incision heal better. The pressure of compression also helps soften and flatten any scarring that does occur.
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