How Cannabinoids are Changing Patient Care Across America

Updated on March 23, 2020

As legalization sweeps the nation important research has been done, along with, real world applications using medical marijuana to treat symptoms from many different conditions. The overwhelming evidence shows that cannabinoids are changing the way we treat symptoms from illnesses to injuries.  In fact, recent studies conclude that cannabinoids can be safer to use everyday than more powerful drugs that are prescribed that produce unwanted side effects. 

In 2020, 33 states have legalized medical marijuana for people who have “qualifying conditions” Patients can access marijuana as medicine, after becoming certified by state-approved medical marijuana doctors.  Each state has their own set of laws and regulations surrounding medical marijuana for its residents. However, most states that legalized cannabis has seen a robust industry flourish for patients, doctors, and small business owners serving the cannabis community. 

What Are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are the useful molecular content of marijuana and hemp plants. There are many known cannabinoids that researchers have identified. However, the most well known are THC and CBD. Although they are both cannabinoids, they are extremely different and affect people in dramatically different ways that it’s important to understand. 

Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid that produces euphoric effects. Cannabidiol or CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid with health and wellness benefits to humans. 

How Do Cannabinoids Work?

It’s very interesting to understand how cannabinoids work within the body. Unlike traditional medications that mask symptoms like, pain medications do, cannabinoids work with the body naturally, to solve the issues. To be precise, cannabinoids work by interacting with receptors called CB1, and CB2 receptors, which are located within the endocannabinoid system all of us have. 

Cannabinoids interact with cells throughout the body which oversee many body functions like sleep, breathing, blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and more. It’s through this natural interaction that cannabinoids can help the body regulate itself better, causing systems to work better and more efficiently. 

Symptoms That Cannabinoids Help Treat

According to medical marijuana doctors who currently treat patients in states where cannabis is legal, the following symptoms are greatly helped by using medical marijuana. 

Anxiety – Both cannabinoids are useful in treating symptoms from anxiety, along with preventing anxiety onset. Many physicians are using CBD oil and regular marijuana to improve patients’ moods by utilizing the uplifting effects produced by certain cannabis strains. Plus, long-term anxiety control can be achieved by patients who take Cannabidiol regularly. 

Pain – More people are using medical marijuana to relieve pain than ever before in the history of America. The different strains of cannabis provide a plethora of pain-relieving cannabinoids. Using both THC and CBD, patients can relive the physical pain they have, plus, the mental strains that having pain make someone feel. Moreover, cannabinoids have little risk of addiction and do not cause additional negative side effects when used long-term. 

PTSD – Millions of Americans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and use cannabinoids to effectively control their symptoms. PTSD is common among Veterans and those who have served in the military, especially during combat situations. But it’s not limited to soldiers. In fact, many Americans suffer from the debilitating symptoms from PTSD like, anxiety, depression, pain, tiredness, social anxiety, and more. THC and CBD are commonly used to help regulate the cannabinoid system, which controls many important functions related to PTSD symptoms. 

Depression – One of the most useful ways to utilize cannabinoids is by reducing stress and depression. Now a day’s patients have access to a wide variety of medical marijuana strains that are specifically designed for depression relief. Many doctors recommend that patients use hybrid strains that do not cause additional anxiety like some Sativa dominant strains can. Moreover, some heavy Indica dominant strains contain cannabinoids that produce anti-anxiety effects, while providing uplifting happy thought and mental states. 

ADHD – Attention Deficit Disorder is typically treated with stimulants known to help people focus and relieve the symptoms associated with ADHD. Many medical marijuana doctors who are also Board-Certified Psychiatrists. These doctors are treating ADHD patients with a combination of traditional medications and cannabinoids. Many of the patients find that using cannabinoids allows them to reduce the number of stimulants they use, and report being able to focus better. Psychiatrists are incorporating these practices to improve their patients psychiatric care, with little to no negative side effects like typical anxiety medications produce.

Are Cannabinoids Safe?

One of the most important things to ask yourself when thinking about a new medication, is it safe? Researchers, doctors, and patients alike can attest to the safety of using cannabinoids daily. There has been over 2 decades of legalization in America in states like California, Washington State, and Colorado which show us that people can successfully treat many conditions, without fear of health risks. 

Moreover, trusted sources such as The National Institute of Health have conducted their own studies on using cannabinoids to treat anxiety and conclude that it can in fact be a successful treatment, with low risk factors like addiction, or overdose. 


With so many people around the world turning to cannabinoid treatments for conditions they have, it’s no wonder the industry is exploding across America. Patients and doctors are working together to produce treatment plans that utilize cannabinoids, instead of more addictive medications traditionally used. If you live in a state where medical or recreational marijuana is legal then, you can speak with a certified physician, that can help you benefit from this new and emerging healthcare phenomenon. 

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