The medical world uses the term cancer to define a collection of related diseases that cause human cells to divide without limit and invade the body. Moreover, there are about 100 different types of known cancers and, according to the World Cancer Research Fund, there were over 18 million cancer cases in the world in 2018.
As the research continues, modern medicine may be able to find new ways to deal with this type of disease, but until then, it is a continuous battle. As a result, there is an entire healthcare industry built around cancer treatment and care. Even so, many patients feel fearful about the diagnosis (which is natural), isolated by their treatment options, and tend to lose trust in doctors or specialists as they become more vulnerable along the way.
This tends to happen because many specialists forget or ignore the human aspect of the disease. Therefore, it is the job of medical staff and healthcare practitioners to improve the type of support they offer to cancer patients. And, as a start, we listed the top three methods that proved successful in various treatment centers.
Listen to Your Patients
Yes, it’s as simple as sitting down and truly listening to someone who goes through the experience of being diagnosed with cancer. A diagnosis doesn’t provide a whole lot of answers to the person who has to carry it so it’s only natural that they’ll have questions, worries, and fears.
As such, one way to help someone who has to go through this experience is by providing them with cancer supportive care. This type of care is designed to tend for someone’s psychological, spiritual, and physical needs while undergoing cancer treatment. As a result, the patients will be better prepared to face the negative side effects of this disease.
Offer Them Access to a Support Group
No one can empathise with a cancer patient better than another cancer patient.
Therefore, a support group can offer access to a community built around the experience where all the members understand what it’s like to put up with the treatment and isolation. In addition, it helps to get guidance and advice from a person who went through the process and made it to the other side. In fact, many people receive a boost of hope whenever they hear there is life after the cancer diagnosis.
In addition, a support group can provide guidance regarding the relationship with the loved ones (especially if no one in your family went through this). People who already had to do it all can help you connect with the loved ones in your life who want to be supportive but don’t know how.
Keep Them Informed
Due to amazing specialists and impressive cancer research, new treatments become available and clinical trials are almost always on the go. However, not all new treatments and discoveries are helpful for all patients, which can make them feel left out and ignored (even though this is not the case).
Therefore, it’s important to stay informed and discuss every concern they may have head on. In addition, when & where it’s the case, offer solid solutions that answer various cancer-related problems.
Overall, most cancer patients will appreciate the extra care and the fact that you’re trying to make their life easy. So don’t give up – even the smallest gesture can be useful!
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