Nurse call system
The nurse call system is a term that is frequently used in the medical sector and the healthcare industry. It can be described as an electronic system where the patient can directly call a nurse for any health issues. The framework of the system is simple which includes patient to nurse communication. The process occurs by pressing a button that triggers a signal that tuns on light and generates a sound. There are numerous types of equipment’s that various medical organizations set up for their service betterment such as nurse call button, nurse call mobile, etc. Generally, the system is effective and popular for servicing elderly or senior people and those who need emergency. In a brief, it is a part of healthcare service that allows patients to create attention for health assistance to nurse directly.
Key features of nurse call systems
- Call light permits the patient to contact the nurse.
- There is a wall station contains a speaker and microphone for communication.
- To connect the patient with a wall station a bed cable is connected.
- If a patient call, a desk console allows the medical staff to answer and also call back to them.
- For immediate support of the client, code blue is used. It eco the urgency by creating alert at the nurse station.
Aidbell Wireless Nurse call system
As we know it is a patient to nurse communication and wireless service as well. There are different features and devices used for this program. is a leading service provider in the healthcare industry which have an extremely fast and easy to install wireless nurse call system. It works like magic and no hassling for the wire. It gives the patient privilege to call from bed or outside the room by pressing the button for medical help. Wireless service consists of a sender device such as a button or cord that is used by the customer (patient) and a receiver device that collect the frequency by pendent or corridor receivers and create alert to medical officials. For reaching the signal farther and wife they use repeaters. Repeaters generally expand the frequency and reach of communication.
Some of the device used by Aidbell
- Nurse call button
- Nurse call button with pull cord EC-220PT
- 2-key nurse care call button EC-200CX/EC- 200AX
- Nurse call button with patient handset EC-220PH
- Pendant call button EC-140P
- Watch type call button EC-10W
Wireless receivers
- Advanced color dot-matrix wireless receiver EC-1000R
- Dot-matrix wireless receiver EC-400RD
- Wireless corridor light EC-400L
- New nurse pendant receiver EC-680p
- Nurse watch receiver EC-680W
- Wireless dongle receiver EC-410R
- Cordless bed pad alarm EC-BP01
- Cordless chair pad alarm EC-CP01
- Signal repeater Ec-900S
- Smoke detector alarm EC-SD03
- Wireless wander door alarm EC-DA04
- Long-range signal repeater EC-920S
These devices discerptions, functions and features are given in
Benefits of wireless nurse call system in the healthcare sector
In this advanced era, the medical industry has exploded with new innovative types of services and one of them is the wireless nurse call system. The reason to provide this service is to create a friendly environment in the hospitals and can serve the patient as intensely as possible. They will feel that, hospital and home as not different. This engagement not only improved the quality of the healthcare service but also create a believer of relief among the consumers. This system is enormously popular in medical organization due to its promptness and easy handling. Revolutionary advantages are discussed bellow
- The system is simple and easy to maintain. Due to its simplicity, both patients and medical assistants can effortlessly access and maintain their communication.
- The patient can draw attention to them with minimal difficulties. Communication between patient and nurse is friendly which create a healthy environment. In the case of an emergency, a nurse can call other stuff for help.
- Processing time is extremely quick and in the medical industry every second count. Clients can get immediate service after notifying.
- One of the handy features is that alongside the call, the nurse can get room numbers, bed numbers, and details information about the patient. This enables them to get more prepared action in an organized way.
- The time of response can be recorded and saved.
- It is very cost-effective and can be installed in any medical or home environment. Do not need to maintain frequently.
- There is no disturbance of wire it’s neat and clean. Authorities do not have to rewire or readjust it.
- It is simple to use because each patient has a button to press and the device is always near the bed hanging on the wall. It is easy to reach and communicate.
- The wireless nurse call system is highly beneficial to the elderly to people because they need a more frequent checkups and emergencies.
- The patient can feel independent and relax due to the flexibility of the process.
- It is easy to install and no renovations are needed. It is also very safe to use.
- The situation can be monitored and can be recorded so that in the future it can be developed for better service.
- The system itself is unique and improves the quality of the healthcare service and gained trust in the customer. It is giving the patient an exceptional and better medical service experience.
- Nurses do not have to spend additional time and they can utilize it in other works.
- The medical staff does not have to go to the nurse station without any urgency.
- This system allows to categories of patients according to their need and emergency. Those critical patients are separated into a different room for intensive care and treatment.
- If one can unable to handle the situation, other can help at that time.
To conclude, in the healthcare field wireless nurse call system is an additional medical service reliability. Aidbell is one of the leading service providers of this technology. The system and service in developing day by day. In the near future, it will be able to increase the quality of the service by far manner. Every life is precious and we should make is count.
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