The body is a complex machine that uses many systems to perform its functions. Among these are substances produced naturally that we know as hormones. Hormones are the chemical messengers in the body, carrying instructions through the bloodstream to the organs and nervous system, and are thus essential to our well-being.
In many people, the production of hormones slows down as we age. This can have varying effects and can cause health and lifestyle problems. However, when we talk about hormone replacement therapy, it is most often in relation to women.
In this article, we’re looking at the subject of hormone therapy for men in Miami and surrounding areas. We’ll talk about why men may need hormone therapy and the types and benefits, and we’ll also look at any possible risks.
Why Might Men Need Hormone Therapy?
It may come as a surprise that many men wish to have hormone therapy in Coral Gables and the surrounding areas, but what prompts them to do so? As we mentioned above, hormone production may reduce with age. It can also be related to many medical conditions and medication, and also, lifestyle has an impact on hormone production.
There are many hormones in the male body, but the main one we are concerned with testosterone, otherwise known as ‘the male hormone’. Testosterone is, of course, linked with the male sex drive, but there is more to it than that. While a loss of testosterone is generally thought not to cause actual health problems – although some in the medical disagree with this – it may reduce the man’s ability to perform, for want of a better word. Before we move on, here’s what testosterone does:
- Enhances male sexual development.
- Is heavily involved in the reproductive function.
- Important in building muscle bulk.
- Vital to maintaining healthy levels of red blood cells.
- Essential to maintaining bone density.
So, we can see from the above that testosterone is a multi-functional hormone that is important to male health. How does a man know if he is suffering from a testosterone deficiency? Here are some of the tell-tale signs:
- Low sex drive (libido)
- Erectile dysfunction
- Fatigue and poor energy level
- Decreased muscle mass
- Body and facial hair loss
- Difficulty concentrating
- Depression
- Irritability
- Low sense of well-being
We are not saying that all of the above will be present in every case – indeed, a man can have depleted hormone levels and show no symptoms – but these are the usual signs that testosterone is not being produced to the usual standards. Remember, this is generally a natural result of the aging process. So why should a man suffering from low testosterone levels seek hormone replacement therapy, and how is it carried out?
The Benefits of Hormone Therapy
There are a number of different types of male hormone therapy in terms of how it is carried out, but before we look at these let’s talk about the benefits of testosterone replacement men living in and around Aventura FL. Here are some of the benefits the patient can expect:
- Improved energy levels.
- Restored sex drive.
- Better quality of erections.
- Increased bone density.
- Improved muscle mass.
- Better general mood and well-being.
Again, these are not results that are guaranteed in all patients but those that are generally experienced. Each man is different so the results will differ in terms of what they feel and the level they feel it at, so it pays to be prepared not to be amazed but possibly only mildly impressed.
How Testosterone Therapy is Carried Out
As we have mentioned, there are different forms of hormone therapy for men. Not all will be suitable for every instance, so it is vital to consult a medical professional who will recommend the right one. Here are the main options:
- Skin patch (transdermal): Androderm is a skin patch worn on the arm or upper body. It’s applied once a day.
- Gels: There are many brands of testosterone gel. Testosterone is absorbed directly through the skin when you apply the gel once a day. Others come with a pump come in that delivers a precise amount of the gel as prescribed.
- Mouth patch: Mouth patches are applied inside the mouth delivering the gel into the bloodstream.
- Injections and implants: Testosterone can also be injected directly into the muscles or as an implant that slowly delivers the testosterone over time.
Should a doctor decide that testosterone replacement is a viable option, the best method will be decided between the patient and the doctor by taking all available circumstances and lifestyle indicators into account.
Now we’ve covered the methods of hormone therapy, how to notice a lack of such, and what the benefits are, we’ll finish by briefly looking at possible risks and side effects.
Are Their Risks with Hormone Therapy?
For men in and around Doral who are considering testosterone therapy, knowing the potential side effects and risks is important. Some men may be more at risk than other due perhaps to medical conditions, so it is always vital to discuss these with a doctor before embarking on a course of hormone replacement therapy. The following are minor side effects that are often experienced following the procedure:
- An increase in frequency of urination.
- Acne.
- Fluid retention.
None of the above are dangerous and can be treated easily. More serious side effects, seen less often, may include:
- Decrease in testicle size and sperm count.
- Infertility.
- Enlargement of the breast area.
- Sleeping problems.
- Rise in cholesterol levels.
- Increased number of red blood cells.
The latter is problematic as it can lead to further ailments, including high blood pressure, muscle or chest pain, blurred vision and – in rare cases – blood clots.
Our final word is that while hormone therapy is carried out successfully and safely for many men every day, the above risks need to be discussed with a doctor before the patient decides to embark on a course of testosterone therapy.
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