Get compensation for all your Parkinson’s disease suffering to ensure a comfortable future

Updated on October 11, 2021

Parkinson disease is a chronic disease that degenerates a person gradually and makes dependent on others. Many weed killers and other chemicals show evidence of increasing the signs and symptoms of this disease. Several studies prove that exposure to Paraquat herbicide results in a higher risk of Parkinson’s.

Imperial Chemical Industries first launched the Paraquat as, Gramoxone in 1961. Since then, there have been several other chemical industries that produce and market this deadly toxin. The Swiss company Syngenta still sells this chemical under the name of Paraquat, but other companies are trading with different brand names. More than 50 countries have put a ban on this toxin herbicide that includes European Union and China. Many other chemicals can lead to Parkinsons disease, like Rotenone and Benzene.

Parkinson’s disease – more than a disease

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder that can affect a person at any age. However, the older theories said it is a more geriatric adult disease but, the latest study reveals that even children and younger adults suffer from the early PD. It affects the dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. The cause of this disease is still unknown; however, several studies support the theory that indicates different reasons. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rates complications from PD as the 14th cause of death in the country.

Young Onset Parkinson’s: Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (YOPD) affects people younger than 50 years of age. Around 4% of the one million people suffer from YOPD in the US. Symptoms are the same and are not different due to age or early-onset. Sometimes children and teenagers also experience the symptoms, and the term is Juvenile Parkinsonism.

Types of Parkinsonism

  • Multiple System Atrophy 
  • Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
  • Corticobasal Syndrome
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies
  • Drug-induced Parkinsonism
  • Vascular Parkinsonism

Myths busted about PD

There are several myths and misconceptions about this disease. Since there is very little awareness, people believe whatever they hear or see. Here is a list of some myth busters:

Myth #1 PD only affects fine motor skills and not the other parts of the body.

Reality #1 The main symptom of PD is a combination of fine motor and non-motor symptoms both. There are several unnoticeable symptoms like loss of smell and taste, cognitive symptoms, and fatigue.

Myth #2 People with PD are feeling good if they look fine. 

Reality #2 The symptoms of PD are constantly fluctuating. It takes time for others to notice the signs. It means someday, the patient might wake up healthy and other days with loads of stiffness and tremors. 

Myth #3 Blame the PD for every difficulty in life.

Reality #3 Many symptoms have no relation to PD. So, it is not reasonable to blame the PD for everything.

Myth #4 PDshowsspontaneous exacerbations that means the signs and severity flares up unexpectedly. 

Reality #4 The symptoms and severity worsen over a period, and nothing happens overnight. Medical changes, infection, sleep disorder, and dehydration are few pointers that deteriorate gradually.

Myth #5 The doctor can predict what might happen next using the prognosis.

Reality # 5 PD signs and symptoms are highly unique for every patient. It is something a doctor can predict. The treatment is for symptoms and can help in improving the lifestyle.

Stages of Parkinson’s

The PD affects different people in different ways, and therefore it is difficult to enlist everything in one category or stage. Everybody may not experience the same symptoms, some may observe certain signs, and some may not experience them. Even the intensity of illness in each body is unique. But over the years after continuous observation, the PD progression has definitive stages:

  • Stage one: The initial stage is when the patient experiences very mild symptoms or sometimes no symptoms. Since the signs do not bother in daily activities, they usually don’t come to notice. Tremors, walking style, and postures are few points of concern.
  • Stage two: The symptoms begin to grow evident and start disrupting the routine of the patient. Tremors, rigidity, and other bodily movements signs appear on both sides. Walking becomes a problem and leads to evident posture problems. But the patient can still live independently.
  • Stage three: The mid-stage PD starts to show more symptoms like slow motion as a hallmark. The patient falls because of a loss of balance. However, the patient is still completely independent and doesn’t need any care or help. But more minor activities like dressing up and eating become a challenge.
  • Stage four: The later stage when the PD affects the patient severely. The movements restrict, and it becomes impossible for the patient to stand without help. A walker and support is a common sign, and the patient seeks help for routine activities. Living independently without help becomes challenging.
  • Stage five: The advanced stage of PD is when walking is utterly impossible due to stiffness. The patient requires a wheelchair or is bedridden. Hallucinations and delusions are common signs of this stage. 

Common symptoms of Parkinson’s diseases 

There are two types of symptoms of PD – Motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms. The motor symptoms are visible, and these are easy to identify like, tremors, stiffness of body parts, and postures instability. Non-motor symptoms are more like lifestyle disorders like sleep disorder, depression, anxiety, loss of smell and taste, and cognitive changes.

Motor symptoms 

  • Tremors: Occurs during rest, starts slow, classic rhythmic tremors on one side of the body. The resting tremors occur in the jaw, chin, mouth, or tongue. Many people experience internal tremors, which are not noticeable to others.
  • Rigidity: Stiffness or tightness of limbs that lead to loss of movements. The early stages are stiffness in the hands and torso, sometimes misdiagnosed as arthritis or orthopedic problems. 
  • Bradykinesia: This is the Greek term for the slow movement of human body parts. It is difficult to diagnose, but generally, facial masking (hypomimia) and a decrease in eye blinking are significant pointers. Trouble in turning over the bed and smaller handwriting are also other signs.
  • Postural instability: This symptom is during the later stages of PD when the patient cannot stand upright and maintain steady body balance. There is a tendency to fall backward.
  • Walking or Gait difficulties: An early sign of PD is swinging of arms while walking. However, in later stages, there is slow and small festination. Some patients experience episodes of freezing in which they feel their feet stuck to the floor.
  • Dystonia is a movement disorder that triggers involuntarily, like certain repetitive muscle twitches that cause body twists or particular posture. 
  • Vocal signs: other than the main fine motor symptoms, change in voice and difficulty in speed is also one significant observation in PD. 

Non-motor symptoms

  • Loss of smell: A reduction in smell sensitivity is one of the prime non-motor signs of PD. The patient can either experience (hypersensitivity to smell) hyposmia or (loss of smell) anosmia. 
  • Sleep disorder: Sleep problems are a ubiquitous sign of PD. The inability to fall asleep, insomnia, and restlessness.
  • Depression and anxiety: A prevalent sign of PD that can range from mild to severe. 
  • Cognitive changes: Inability to speak, loss of thinking capacity, word-finding, and judgment are few non-motor signs.
  • Weight loss: unexplained weight loss, which appears after stage three, is a very significant symptom.
  • Gastrointestinal issues: Indigestion, constipation, and disturbance in the bowel are also part of signs of PD.
  • Vision issues: There are a few to add to vision loss: Increased lens power, diminishing movement capacity, and slower blinking capacity.

Specialization in pesticide lawsuits

There are several litigations supports firms that help in lawsuits against diseases from chemical and especially Paraquat. There are dedicated teams of lawyers who are experts in filing cases for the sufferers of PD against the offenders. The main idea of the lawsuit is to find an association between the use of toxins and the PD patient. The attorneys are in connection with scientists and medical professionals who can help in building the case strong. 

If you are suffering from PD or have recently diagnosed with it, then you have the right to trace the link by investing. The investigation support is also part of the legal team. The lawyers boast experience in cases related to chemical damages, and therefore, it is easier for them to find the correlation. Whether it is life in a rural area and farming or a city dweller, the chances of exposure to the toxic herbicide are equal. The legal company offers no obligation on consultation, and you have the liberty to ask any number of questions with the online support team. 


When your dear one is suffering every day and struggling to cope with regular activities due to exposure to a deadly chemical, you must seek legal advice and look for compensation. Any physical or psychological damage qualify for personal injuries, and therefore, you can put a lawsuit against the offenders. You can add your present medical treatment costs, exhibition fees, loss of wages, and inefficiency to work in the future – all become part of the settlement amount. Take the legal expert advice and file a lawsuit against the chemical industries or the store selling this toxin illegally. 

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