Everyone who has completed a piece of academic work knows how important it is to get good feedback and comments on the quality and correctness of the work. Publishers of academic books and journals, including Bentham Science professionals are good at more than just editing content under their control. They provide four valuable services which you can take advantage of as an author, reader, or researcher.
1) Professional Editing Services
Currently, it gets harder for researchers to keep on top of literature in their own specialties, let alone the broader range necessary to understand what goes on outside of their fields. For instance, Bentham Science publishers employ experienced editors who are specialists in particular disciplines. That means that they are better placed to give editorial advice on the suitability of submitted manuscripts for publication in a journal or edited book, whether or not these make appropriate contributions to knowledge on that topic.
2) Peer Review Services
Editors are also in a position to commission peer review of submissions for published articles or chapters. Peer reviewers are researchers who have the appropriate expertise to assess whether research findings presented in manuscripts submitted to journals are accurate, interesting and original. Editors select appropriate peer reviewers for particular submissions based on their own knowledge of the research community within the relevant discipline(s). They know both where key researchers can be found and which of them are prepared to act as peer reviewers for different types of journals.
3) Curation of content
Authors are busy people with deadlines, personal lives, and long-term projects all competing for their attention. As a result, sometimes their submissions aren’t as concise or focused as they could be – which can also make them more difficult to sell at times. A professional publisher’s job is to take manuscripts through many revisions until they meet high standards in terms of concision, focus, organization, and consistency. This process not only creates better content but helps to streamline the tedious submission process for both author and publisher.
4) Book design
A professional publisher’s job is to make sure that their books are designed according to high standards (such as consistent fonts, page numbers, clear layout, and ISBN barcode). That ensures that all of their titles will look consistent, even if they’re coming out months apart from one another, making it easier for readers to identify which book(s) they want at bookstores or through online retailers like Amazon. There are numerous graphical elements involved in publishing a professional-looking book, but ensuring these elements are applied appropriately across the board is essential to the success of any series.
5) Formatting titles for print and digital formats
Publishers have become more involved in the formatting process because of the shift from print-only to digital publishing. In some cases, publishers can even work with authors directly on this task by providing them with templates and guidance. That streamlines the process for everyone, especially when it comes time to release titles in both formats at once or soon after one another.
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