When we think of protecting our ears, the things that are likely to pop up in our minds are more than likely to be earplugs or things such as headphones that cancel noise. When we think about protecting our hearing, we rarely investigate the numerous benefits that many foods have in this regard. We rarely think about broccoli or banana being the cure to our hearing aid woes.
The fact of the matter is that, however, things such as your diet also play a very important role in keeping our hearing proper and at an adequate level. All of these small things add up to be significant impact holders on our hearing abilities and which hearing aids work the best for each one of us. In fact, the foods that can promote better hearing generally work by providing our bodies with vitamins and minerals that are absolutely essential. One important thing that we must mention here is that these foods are not a miracle cure to your hearing loss.
In fact, loss of hearing can be managed but not cured completely. In that case, you might have to go for other options to make your hearing better, such as good quality hearing aids. It is important to remember that these foods will not just magically get your hearing back. Rather, how they work is by promoting general good health and well-being, and in the process, they help us maintain better care of our hearing.
In the following few paragraphs, we will take a look at some of the foods that promote better hearing and also the nutrients and minerals that make this possible via these foods. We have listed the names of the foods below for your convenience.
Foods that are supplemented by vitamin B-12
Green foods which are leafy and beans as well | Folate
Whole grains, darker shades of chocolate and Avocado| Magnesium
Bananas, melons, oranges | Potassium
Nuts and seeds | Zinc
Mushrooms, eggs, fortified milk and cereals | Vitamin D
Flaxseed, walnuts, and fish | Omega-3s
Let us now take a much closer look at exactly how these foods have the capability to promote much better hearing in people who are experiencing difficulties with their hearing. These foods also can act as a very good preventative measure against loss of hearing. Remember, it is always better to keep what you have in good condition rather than trying to fix a condition that is complicated.
Beans and leafy greens | Folate
Both folic and the synthetic version of the thing, folic acid, are generally known as being vitamins that are made use of in prenatal conditions. This assumption is correct as it is a very important nutrient that pregnant women need. The thing that we want to point out, however, is that the benefits of folate are not limited to just prenatal vitamins. In fact, diets that are rich in folate have been shown to promote better hearing health and a much lower chance of getting age-related hearing problems. If you are trying to form a diet that is good for your hearing health, make sure that you make one that is rich in folate.
Avocado, dark chocolate, whole grains | Magnesium
Magnesium is very well known for a whole host of health benefits, and promoting better hearing health also falls in that category. Magnesium is famous for the neuroprotective effects that it has. This includes its capacity to prevent or sometimes even treat certain types of hearing loss, especially if the damage that was done to the ear was due to prolonged exposure to loud noise. Another benefit that magnesium has is being able to prevent damage from free radicals, and it also has the potential to improve blood flow as well.
Nuts and seeds |Zinc
Just like all the other nutrients and minerals that we talked about in this article, zinc is also an extremely important and essential nutrient that has a lot of health benefits. It is particularly useful for being able to stop and also possibly treat a sudden onset of sensorineural loss of hearing.
Bananas, oranges, potatoes | Potassium
Potassium has the ability to regulate the fluids that are present in the human body. The fluids found in the inner ear are absolutely essential for proper hearing health. The fluids that we are talking about are very rich in potassium. This is a particular reason why it is so important to make sure that you are getting enough potassium in your diet.
Flaxseed, walnuts, and fish |Omega 3s
If you eat a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you can very well prevent or also delay the occurrence of loss of hearing that is related to age. Fish oil is a very good source of this Omega 3. However, there are many among us who do not particularly like seafood, and if you happen to be one of those people, then you can try meeting your Omega 3 needs by consuming walnuts, flaxseed, etc.
Mushrooms, eggs, fortified milk and cereals | Vitamin D
A thing that people often forget about ears is that they are made out of bones that are incredibly delicate. Vitamin D is thus essential in maintaining proper bone health in the ear and also the rest of the body as well. If you want, you can get it alongside the omega 3s in your diet, as they both come from a lot of the same sources.
B12-supplemented foods
One thing that is very common with regard to ear health is chronic tinnitus. This is where vitamin B-12 holds a lot of promise in terms of being able to address the issue. Very much like Vitamin D, this last ingredient in our list also mainly comes in the form of supplements. This is because this is derived from bacteria.
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