Cancer is caused by changes to genes that influence how cells grow and divide. It is considered as one of the deadliest sicknesses in the world. Medical scientists continue to look for a treatment that will cure cancer. Marijuana, also known as weed, cannabis, hemp, sativa, and pot, is used as herbal medicine to cure ailments, like cancer.
Here are five facts that show the benefits of weeds in curing cancer-related illnesses:
1. Marijuana can help in treating nausea and vomiting
Some studies show that smoking weed can help treat nausea and vomiting of people who are undergoing cancer chemotherapy. The component of medical marijuana that keeps patients from vomiting is the dronabinol, and a US FDA approved synthetic cannabinoid.
2. Marijuana can help to lessen the pain of patients
Some studies found out that smoked or vaporized marijuana, when inhaled, is helpful in treating pain caused by nerve damages. Patients who smoked weeds were reported to be needing fewer pain medicines for neuropathic pain. Marijuana is even compared to opioids, which is primarily used for pain relief and anesthesia. It provides comfort from cancer-related pains being experienced by patients. There are some treatment plans that include both opioids and marijuana to help cancer patients feel lesser pain.
3. Marijuana helps to slow down the growth of cancer cells
The biologically active components identified by scientists in marijuana are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There have been scientific claims that the growth of some cancer cell types in laboratories slowed down when induced by CBD and THC extracts from high-quality sativa strains. These two active weed components are said to have caused the death of some types of cancer cells.
There even has been a small human trial about the effects of cannabinoids in treating human cancer. However, more studies on the matter need to be conducted to show that marijuana can help control and cure cancer diseases. The American Cancer Society also recognizes the need to do more scientific research about this matter.
4. Marijuana can help lessen anxiety and improve sleep
There are studies conducted wherein patients showed more relaxation and an increase in the quality of sleep with THC use. Some patients who administered cannabis into their system reported being less anxious. There were also patients who significantly demonstrated low anxiety and depression rating. For some, it was reported that marijuana use helped them treat insomnia.
5. Marijuana can help stimulate the appetite of patients
Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy usually experience loss in appetite, thus losing fats and lean muscles. It eventually causes weight loss and may be accompanied by exhaustion and a decrease in mobility. Smoking weed has shown an improvement in one’s appetite, especially on HIV patients. Those who used marijuana also reported to be less tired and had a better appetite.
Although limited studies are available to prove the effectiveness of cannabis, it may help induce the need to eat. Consequently, marijuana use can make the lives of patients easier and a little bit better, in general.
Even though studies have shown that weeds can help in treating cancer, it is still best to seek proper medical care. Delaying or, worse, avoiding medical treatments may result in more severe health problems.
And just like any other medicines, the use of medical marijuana may have complications. Cannabinoids may also have different side effects on different persons. Some patients experienced increased heart rate, mood swings, and discomfort due to the feeling of being “high.” It is prudent to talk to medical practitioners before taking in these kinds of drugs.
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