Did you know 10.2 million Americans suffer from both a mental illness and substance use disorder?
Are you wondering how a dual diagnosis’s treated? Not to worry! In this guide, we’ll go over what you should know about dual diagnosis treatment.
Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out.
1. Time to Detox
After you receive a dual diagnosis, you will need to head to inpatient detoxification. You’ll have trained medical staff around you to track your case.
A staff member might give you a small amount of the substance to help with the effects of withdrawal.
2. Head to a Residential Center
To help prevent relapse, you could go to a residential treatment center. You will have support from staff but also have some independence. You could take part in group therapy with others who are in recovery.
3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
For any dual diagnosis treatment plan, psychotherapy is a significant part. You could undergo cognitive behavioral therapy. With this therapy, you’ll learn how to change patterns of thinking.
You’ll learn new coping techniques for cravings and anxiety. Patients need an integrated treatment plan to address both disorders.
Learn more about the statistics of dual diagnosis.
4. Why Treatment Is Different for Both Disorders
Individuals who abuse alcohol or drugs could develop a mental health disorder. A mental health disorder can induce drug addiction. There are many overlapping factors.
Your genetic predisposition could make it more likely for you to develop a disorder. Persistent anxiety, chronic stress, or a traumatic event can trigger both disorders.
5. Benefits of Treatment for Dual Diagnosis
If only one disorder’s diagnosed, the treatment you’re given might not work as well. Comprehensive treatment addresses all the issues impacting your step toward recovery.
With dual diagnosis, you can receive the proper treatment to stop using alcohol or drugs. You’ll also receive therapy that will teach you how to cope with your mental health disorder. Your therapist will go over how the two disorders connect.
You’ll learn how to address the causes of your mental health disorder as well as the roots of addiction. This, in turn, will help you learn new coping mechanisms to help you avoid relapse.
6. Dual Diagnosis Treatment Takes Longer
Treatment for co-occurring disorders isn’t a quick fix. For alcohol or drug rehab, therapy can take months or even years. With a mental health disorder, you’ll need extra time for care as well.
These diagnosis programs move at your own pace.
7. High-Risk Patients
Individuals with dual diagnoses are at higher risk compared to other patients. Coping with a mental health disorder is difficult.
If you factor in a substance disorder, it can get even trickier. Some patients have violent tendencies or suicidal thoughts.
Want to Learn More?
We hope you found this article on dual diagnosis insightful. If you’re struggling with a substance and your mental health, talk to Create Recovery Center today.
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