WHO: Family Hospice and Palliative Care and Zacharia & Brown, Elder Law Attorneys.
Family Hospice is Western Pennsylvania’s leading, nonprofit hospice provider. Serving the community since 1980, Family Hospice provides compassionate end-of-life care to 3,600 patients annually in nine Western Pennsylvania counties.
Zacharia & Brown is one of the oldest elder law firms in Western Pennsylvania. Zacharia & Brown focuses on assisting seniors and their families with various legal and financial issues, including life care planning, asset protection and Medicaid and veterans benefits eligibility.
WHAT: Free Health Care Decision Making seminar. Attendees will have the opportunity to speak directly with experts, who will offer advice and answer questions about living wills, health care power of attorney, health care advance directives and more.
Expert panel includes:
Dr. Christopher Hughes, Co-Chief Medical Officer, Family Hospice Christine Brown, Esq., Elder Law Attorney, Zacharia & Brown
WHEN: Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
April 16 is National Health Care Decisions Day.
WHERE: Family Hospice and Palliative Care, auditorium
50 Moffett St., Pittsburgh, PA 15243 (Mt. Lebanon)
HOW: RSVP by April 14; call 412-572-8747 and leave your name and phone number. For more information, contact Christine Meduho, 412-398-1395 or [email protected].
MORE: Dr. Hughes and Ms. Brown will be available to personally assist attendees in completing their health care advance directives.
Light refreshments will be served.
Throughout the year, our writers feature fresh, in-depth, and relevant information for our audience of 40,000+ healthcare leaders and professionals. As a healthcare business publication, we cover and cherish our relationship with the entire health care industry including administrators, nurses, physicians, physical therapists, pharmacists, and more. We cover a broad spectrum from hospitals to medical offices to outpatient services to eye surgery centers to university settings. We focus on rehabilitation, nursing homes, home care, hospice as well as men’s health, women’s heath, and pediatrics.