Skin Cancer
The rate of new skin cancer cases continues to rise over the years. The global warming effect has increased new skin cancer cases every year from exposure to sunlight. The ultraviolet rays from sunlight can result in skin cancer with some self-induced measures, such as the use of a body tanner which increases the odds. It would help if you were self-aware of the causes of skin cancer and whether you have a higher risk of developing it to help take proper measures to prevent or control the effects. Some of the protective methods include the use of sunscreen and having protective clothing for high-risk areas. If you live in an area with long hours of sunlight exposure, you should consider regulating your time in the sun. Regular skin examination also helps to spot early detections of the disease and make adjustments to prevent the spread of cancer and cure the affected parts. If you’re in a high-risk area, look into services such as chemical peels San Antonio, TX, or other skin related solutions. Contact or visit an office for information and consultation. Understanding the risk factors for skin cancer helps develop ways to reduce the possibility of being affected.
Demographic Factors
Sunlight is the number one cause of skin cancer. Exposure to sunlight for extended periods negatively affects the skin. Older people have a higher risk of developing skin cancer from prolonged periods of exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Younger people can also get skin cancer because of long hours of exposure to the harmful sunlight rays. A suppressed immune system increases the chances of skin cancer. It can occur from virus attacks and diseases, as well as induced immunosuppression during organ transplants. Men also have a higher risk of skin cancer due to their gender disposition. Therefore, if you are a man, you need to put more work toward the controllable risk factors to reduce the possibility of cancer.
Skin Type
Your skin tone determines the possibility of getting skin cancer, such as having sensitive skin that develops burns or produces freckles quickly. Caucasians have a higher probability of getting skin cancer due to the nature of their skin when compared to those with other ethnic backgrounds. The color of your hair and eyes also impacts how your body responds to certain degrees of exposure, such as having blond and red hair or green and blue eyes. Having dysplastic nevi type of moles that have a close association with melanoma increases the chances of developing skin cancer.
Genetic Disposition
You should check your family history on developing skin cancer. If one or both of your parents have developed the disease, you might be at a high risk of developing cancer as well. This requires that you go for regular cancer screenings as advised by your doctor in order to monitor any skin changes that may suggest the development of any issues. If you have previously developed skin cancer, always remain on high alert and take extra care to prevent development a second time. Some inherited skin conditions can also expose you to skin cancer development with xeroderma pigmentosum high on the list of skin conditions.
Personal Routine
Your routine has a lot to do with how you live your daily life. It entails indulgences such as drugs or smoking which may affect the surface of your lips. Your place of work and exposure to various chemicals such as paraffin and arsenic also increases the chances of developing cancer. Increased exposure to UV light, including working while exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods and the use of tanning beds expose you to factors that can develop skin cancer. You need to plan a doctor’s visit if you have high exposure to such activities prone to causing skin cancer in order to plan and prepare how to reduce the risks.
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