Obesity is fast becoming a global concern as its risk factors like heart attack, diabetes, etc. have been proven. It has also led to many people striving to lose weight and improve their health. You find the market flooded with weight loss supplements and gadgets that promise to melt your fat like magic. Unfortunately, only the best ones give you satisfactory results. To your dismay, you discover that it is tough to lose the adipose tissues and harder to keep them away permanently.
Weight loss is no quick solution but requires a consistent effort and change in lifestyle and habits. There are plenty of scientifically tried strategies which you can adopt to lose weight and keep it steady. Adopt them to make your weight loss efforts sustainable and less harsh on you. Stay hooked!
Drink plenty of water
You might have come across the argument that drinking water can help you lose weight. Well, it is true. It can boost your metabolism by up to 30% within one to one and a half hours. It can help burn some extra calories. Drinking water especially half an hour before meals is helpful. If you drink half a liter or 17 ounces of water before a meal, it keeps you satiated and you consume fewer calories. It also increases your weight loss by 44% .
Make lunch, your biggest meal
A study was conducted in Iran, where a group of obese women made lunch as the biggest meal of the day while another section made dinner. Under the guidance of the nutritionist and with an exercise regime; both groups had the same value intake of macronutrients and calories. After 12 weeks, the lunch group was found to shed three pounds more than the dinner group. It makes it evident that you can eat a king-size lunch and eat skimpy dinner.
Have proteins for breakfast
You must always have high-quality proteins like eggs for your breakfast. If you replace the grain-based breakfast with one that has more proteins; you feel satiated for longer hours and consume fewer calories in the next 36 hours. This would automatically help you reduce weight far more quickly.
Take proven supplements
There are plenty of weight loss supplements that are sold on the market, but not all are effective. It’s best to take a glucomannan supplement or a probiotic supplement. Glucomannan is a fiber that absorbs water and stays in your stomach for a while to keep you satiated and full. Thus, you cut on your calorie intake without feeling the heat and lose weight naturally.
Likewise, a probiotic supplement contains bacteria that is known to make your intestine strong and aid in weight loss.
Try intermittent fasting
Most people tend to go on a diet but cannot sustain it, and fail at losing weight. Even if they do, they regain it as soon as they go back to their normal diet. This is because dieting tends to lower your metabolic rate and makes your body hit the hibernate mode. But if you practice intermittent fasting like skipping an odd meal or two or fasting for a day in between, you will lose weight faster and more effectively.
Exercise regularly
You should make exercise an integral part of your everyday regime. It not only keeps your organs and systems functioning correctly but also helps you kill false hunger pangs. You feel more satiated with exercise than without it.
Wrapping up
Weight loss is never effective with short cut means. It can be gradually achieved when you change your daily habits and lifestyle to a healthier version and stick to proven methods. One must always lose weight slowly and steadily instead of taking a crash course on it.
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