Back Pain Is Very Common
Back pain is common in the United States. Certain jobs put your back at risk, as do certain socio-economic factors. However, even if you’re in a situation where you’re more likely to have back pain than not, it’s possible to mitigate such discomfort. Following we’ll explore five ways to do that.
1. Sleep With A Pillow Between Your Legs
Sometimes your pelvis is being contracted by the weight of your bones and the musculature surrounding them. Especially for those who have more weight than others, this can be a real issue.
When you walk, you’re putting your legs under some notable stress. Well, that requires more musculature to support torso weight, which weighs more with weight gain, and accordingly impacts the pelvis.
Such impact can be one reason your back hurts when you sleep at night. If you’re a side sleeper, what a dilemma! But a pillow between your legs can be an easy fix for the problem, as it takes pressure from heavy legs off your pelvis.
2. Exercise More Regularly
Exercise helps your body maintain a healthy weight. When musculature is tight and weight is right, then that will help your spine be in proper alignment. Proper spine alignment reduces discomfort during sleep.
So how much exercise do you need? Well, generally, you’re going to want about 150 minutes of strenuous exercise where you break a sweat weekly.
That’s essentially 30 minutes a day. So get a solid workout where you break a sweat Monday through Friday; make it part of your weekly schedule. If you can do that, you’re very likely to see a reduction in back pain when you sleep at night.
3. Find A Mattress That Fits Your Sleeping Style
The problem could be with your mattress. Some people need a mattress that is harder, some need a mattress that is softer, others won’t be in a good place to get a proper night’s sleep unless they’ve got some sort of memory foam solution.
Others sleep on their stomachs. Here’s a link that can be a resource for stomach sleepers regarding the right sort of mattress.
4. If You Have A Desk Job, Try To Stand Instead Of Sitting
Sitting for eight or ten hours a day is extremely bad for your health, and often you’ll start feeling this in your back first. Here’s what you do to get around that, if you can’t change your job: purchase a “standing” desk. If you can’t get a “standing” desk, get one of those exercise balls. You’ll bounce up and down gradually, which will force core strength.
Sometimes you can petition your employer to purchase a desk out of their budget for “free” owing to associated tax discounts which come from health-related expenditures. Often you don’t have that choice. If you’re working at a job that keeps you sitting, and you’re telecommuting remotely, then find a way to stand instead of sitting as much as you can.
Your back will thank you, you’ll sleep better, you’ll have a stronger immune system (from more restful sleep), you’ll be more emotionally stable, and overall this move will improve your health. It may take a few months to get used to, but you will see a better outcome overall if you stand rather than sit throughout the day.
5. Stretch As Fully As Possible Several Times A Day
Here’s a good idea: when you roll out of bed, after you hit the restroom, stretch. Touch your toes, stretch your left arm, stretch your right arm, stretch your legs, stretch your back. Do this before you go to bed as well. Spend ten minutes with each session. Yoga is basically just that: long-term stretching—they just get after it for an hour or so.
Well, you don’t have to recite mantras and sweat in a studio with a bunch of twenty-somethings in spandex to safeguard your back through exercises that enhance flexibility.
You can find all sorts of stretch routines to help your back feel better online for free, and do them in the comfort of your own bedroom if you like.
Sleeping Comfortably
Stretch as much as you’re comfortably, healthily able to. Stand instead of sitting all day if at all possible. Find mattresses that fit the sort of sleeping style that most represents you. Exercise more regularly—try to get 150 minutes a week spread out between Monday and Friday. Lastly, try simply sleeping with a pillow between your legs.
All these methods assuage back pain at night; find which ones work for you, and lean into them.
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