Dysport Near Me Versus Botox : What’s the Actual Difference?

Updated on August 30, 2021

Ever done a search online for facial treatments to make you look and feel younger and had a Dysport near me result come back? Ever wondered what it is and how it compares to botox? Well, that’s precisely what we’ll be looking at there.

Let’s start by looking at their similarities.

Ok, so BoOk, so Botox and Dysport are two different varieties of what are known as botulinum toxin injections and they’re both popularly used by people looking to get rid of their facial wrinkles. However, they are also employed to treat certain types of muscle spasm associated with specific health issues.

Generally speaking, both Botox and Dysport are known to be safe for suitable candidates, with mild side effects being associated with the treatment, such as slight pain, headaches and numbness. In some cases, although quite rare, are more moderate, temporary effects like muscle spasms, sore throat and droopy eyelids.

How do they differ?

When you click through on a Dysport near me search result, you’re looking into a treatment that differs from botox in respect of the increased potency of the trace proteins that it contains.

Both treatments are very popular in part due to their convenient nature, with everything done at your local doctor’s office, but Dysport is on average less expensive than botox, however, the precise number of injections needed for each case will also have a bearing on the overall cost.

Quicker Versus Longer-lasting

Another way in which a Dysport near me search will differ from the botox option is how quickly results are noticeable when put against how long those results last for.

Typically, a Dysport injection will show results more quickly than botox, but the latter will tend to last longer than the less expensive choice. That said, in both senses, if you want the results to be maintained, you will need to go back for follow-up treatments.

  • Results With Dysport can usually be seen in just a couple of days, with the effect lasting anywhere from three to four months. 
  • Results With Botox on the other hand can be seen from about the 1 week point, right up to a whole month after the treatment was administered. However, botox results can last up to 6 months in total, meaning less trips back to the practitioner.

Who is Dysport or Botox Suitable For?

Whether you choose botox or dysport for your needs, the principles of suitability remain the same. They’re both treatments intended for use by adults looking to eliminate facial lines and wrinkles.

A good candidate will be in quite good health and you’ll be asked by the doctor about your medical history prior to any injections being carried out. That said, there are some people who shouldn’t have either treatment carried out.

They are:

  • Pregnant ladies
  • Anyone who has a history of sensitivity to botulinum toxin
  • Anyone with a milk allergy
  • Anyone over 65 years of age
  • People on blood thinners

If you are on any long-term medication, it’s always a good idea to have a chat with the doctor, even if the drugs you take are non-prescription, over-the-counter varieties.

If In Doubt – Ask Questions!

There are many variables at work in determining whether you look for a Dysport near me company or a botox one, with cost, potency and duration of effect both playing their part.

Just remember when committing to anything to ask lots of questions, as it’s your safety and health that’s at stake and when you know exactly what to expect, it makes the whole thing much less stressful.

Everyone deserves to look their best, but it’s important to be safe, so if in doubt about any part of what’s happening to you, absolutely do not be afraid to ask – particularly as the practitioner will expect you to!

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