Double Chin Reduction: Liposuction and Non-Surgical Solutions

Updated on April 9, 2021

If you dread looking in the mirror because of your bulky jawline, it may be time to consider double chin reduction. The fat compromising your facial contours happens for a number of reasons, other than being overweight, and it can have a damaging effect on your self-esteem. So, what can you do about it? 

Well, there are several ways to go about it depending on whether you prefer non-invasive methods or more aggressive treatments. Below, we have outlined the most common double chin reduction procedures you can have to wave the unflattering layer of blubber goodbye. Don’t miss out.

Traditional and Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction in Singapore has been gaining more popularity for getting rid of double chins as it is a far less invasive alternative to traditional lipo. Liposuction, on the other hand, is a more invasive method but it is still used for double chin removal. It works by introducing a cannula (a tube) in the desired areas through tiny cuts in the skin. Then using a suction method, certain amounts of tissue are removed from these places. 

Dr Shens from Shens Clinic in Singapore explains that before the procedure begins, the surgeon examines the structures and marks the key areas that will be punctured. Then, the patient is given some form of sedation so as not to feel pain. The troubled site is cleansed with an antiseptic solution, which keeps the risk of infection to a minimum.

The specialist performing liposuction should make sure the fat that remains in the face is spread evenly for a smooth appearance. This manipulation may be combined with a neck lift.

When the session is over, bandage will be applied on the chin and neck as necessary. The results can be permanent if the person doing the treatment maintains a consistent weight. Even though the fat cells that are sucked out never grow back, the existing ones could get bigger and cause the same problem over time.

Deoxycholic Acid

Sometimes dermatologists opt for deoxycholic acid to absorb the “padding” below the chin area. If the name doesn’t ring any bells with you, there is no need to strain your memory. The acid is made synthetically from a substance that arises in the body with the sole purpose to destroy fat cells. That’s why it’s effective.

It is administered directly into the skin with a small needle. Prior to having the shot, you will be treated with a numbing medicine or cream, which will make you comfortable. During each visit, you will receive a total of 50 injections. If you want the treatment to be effective, you will need at least six rounds spaced no less than four weeks apart.

This is just a ballpark figure. Only your doctor can tell how many sessions or vials it will take for the results to kick in.

Several brands today offer injectables containing deoxycholic acid, but currently the only FDA-approved goes under the name of Kybella. 

The effects are immediate and patients typically return to their normal activities right away.

Radio Frequency

Thanks to evolution in technology, today we have a less invasive option for double chin reduction. There are no needles or incisions because it counts on a combination of magnetic pulse and multi-polar radio frequency to target stubborn fat pockets. 

The technology comes in the form of a handpiece that has to be placed over the patient’s chin for up to 20 minutes. 

As opposed to the other techniques, this one takes time before it achieves results. Overall, a course of 6-10 appointments will suffice to eliminate the desired amount of fat from the lower part of the face.

Like everything else, there are pros and cons too. An obvious downside is that you need to wait for several weeks before there is visible change in your appearance. As for the advantages, we should mention lower to no risk of complications, no surgery involved, and no downtime.

Face / Neck Lift

This is a surgical procedure that involves cutting the skin around the ear and manually removing or lifting the fat. It is executed in an operating theatre under general anaesthesia. There is swelling and bruising following the operation and the recovery may take weeks, which is why many patients would rather stick with minimally-invasive alternatives.


This is a special fat-freezing technology that aims to be a non-knife counterpart to liposuction for those who don’t want to have their skin cut. It targets fat deposits selectively and can work for just about any part of the body plagued by stubborn padding. Strictly speaking, this means the arms, thighs, and tummy can be treated.

As a patient is sitting on a couch in the doctor’s office, cooling pads are placed on their chin and neck for roughly 120 minutes. There is no pain or discomfort in the treated area. Except for, you might get bored while you wait for the device to do its thing. But that’s a small nuisance.

The results are permanent in that the fat cells that get kicked out of the body will never come back. Then again, keep in mind that the existing ones could still expand after a while.

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