Does Health Insurance Cover Car Accidents?

Updated on November 18, 2019

Roughly 6 million car accidents occur each year in the United States. 

Insurance can help after an accident, but the question is, Does health insurance cover car accidents?

No one wants to think about getting hit, but preparation and knowing a good injury lawyer will protect you and keep you safe if the worst-case ever becomes a reality. 

What Happens After The Worst Case Is Reality?

Insurance coverage can be difficult to understand.

The fine print in policies makes it hard to know what your insurance will cover.

If you want to use your health insurance in an auto claim it would be dependent on the insurance coverage. It also depends on who’s fault the accident was, and the co-pays that the insurance policy has. 

Most states ask drivers to have a basic liability insurance policy. This will cover any expenses. The at-fault driver’s policy will be the one to pay any expenses caused by the accident.

Let’s Make It All Make Sense!

Insurance is necessary for life’s unexpected bumps in the road. Between doctor visits, auto claims, and fault checks it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

An attorney or injury lawyers have the experience in the practices and procedures insurance companies use. This background knowledge allows the attorney to fight for you!

The injury lawyer will be able to tell you if your health insurance covers car accidents. 

Insurance companies want to pay as little as possible. Yet, a good attorney can help you get what you need so you can get back to your life as usual. 

Does Health Insurance Cover Car Accidents?

Auto insurance will only pay up to their policy limits.

After the expenses reach the limit afforded, the individual’s health insurance can pay for damages. Who pays for damages depends on the fault of the accident.

Some health insurances have Personal Injury Protection(PIP) coverage.

PIP is often recommended before filing a claim through ones’ health coverage. This is due to the fact that there is no deductible on PIP unless the insurance company says otherwise. 

Ready To Feel Better?

Some health insurance companies may pay for a car accident. But the answer to if they will is dependent on the company

Most insurance companies allow you to use your health insurance as your first choice of health coverage. If this is the case, it’s possible that your health insurance will cover you. But this coverage still requires all normal deductibles and co-pays. 

Auto insurance policies should be the first insurance used in the case of a car accident. Once that policy has reached the limit than health insurance can help to take care of the rest of the expenses. 

Thus, your health insurance can help with car accident expenses. But they should be secondary after any auto insurance coverage has maxed out.  

Walk Me Through This.

The world of insurance is often a confusing world, where the goal of the company is to pay as little as possible. 

The answer to the question of does health insurance cover car accidents is yes!

An attorney or injury lawyers can help you get the money you deserve after an accident. 

You can contact an injury lawyer immediately following an accident. After the attorneys’ office gathers the necessary information from you, they can begin to work for you! By using the services of an attorney you will make sure that no one takes advantage of your pain and suffering.

An attorney is there for you. They fight to make sure that at the end of their work you feel better and have received compensation for your injuries!

Get what you deserve today! 

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