Do Women Have Stronger Teeth Than Men?

Updated on November 3, 2021

Men and women have their differences from their physical bodies up to their behaviors. Though there have been several kinds of research conducted that further highlights distinction.

In fact, if you’re currently looking for a dental in Tampa, then a recent study might impress you before going through your appointment.

Is it a fact or bluff?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted research that compared the frequency of men and women visiting dentists between 1997 and 2013.

The approach disclosed that both parties regularly visit their doctors, though there was only a 0.5% increase in dental visits among men, while women witnessed a 1.8% increase since 1997.

Thanks to this, women have been able to keep up with the necessary healthy oral habits, which contributed to extending their life expectancy more than their male counterparts.

So yes, it’s true that women have stronger teeth. But that’s because men often display a negative attitude to dental care, so they tend to ignore their oral health and have adopted poor hygiene practices.

Given that they disregard the thought of visiting their dentists, acute dental problems are more prominent to men, giving them a higher rate of risk for dental trauma, periodontal disease, and oral cancer. 

Unfortunately, this situation worsens due to biological differences between the two genders, including hormones, immune system factors, greater tobacco use, and oral behaviors.

According to the “Men and Oral Health: A Review of Sex and Gender Differences” study, there is a ratio of 2:1 between males and females about more prolonged sun exposure, oral cancer, heavier alcohol use, and severe tobacco use.

With this in mind, a minority of men have sustained the burden of dental health disparities, owing to their ethnic/race identities and gender.

Do women’s dental needs differ from men’s?

As much as we’d like to say that proper dental care is similar to both parties, the truth is that women have more demanding dental needs because of biological changes that take place in their bodies.

Women’s puberty may begin at the age of 8, though this varies from person to person. At this stage, a woman’s body would undergo numerous changes, such as fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen, which impact their dental health.

These two hormones are responsible for increasing blood flow to their gums, making them vulnerable to red or swollen gums whenever they floss or brush their teeth. Yet again, this condition is often prevented since women generally pay more attention to taking trips to their dentist’s clinic.

Additionally, a woman’s menstruation could throw off their hormone balance, so it’s a common experience for them to sustain canker sores and sore gums. This also includes a higher risk rate for cavities, bad breath, and dry mouth.

As if this wasn’t enough, women are prone to developing gingivitis because of hormonal changes during their pregnancy. In recent data, roughly half of pregnant women would struggle with this gum disease, leading them to be in dire need of dentist visits.

Not to mention that if they have poor oral hygiene, their pregnancy could result in preeclampsia, premature births, or gestational disease.


Even if women have proven to have stronger teeth than men, they’re also exposed to hormonal imbalance, which encourages multiple dental issues that could gradually escalate to a more problematic condition if left untreated.

That is why men and women should keep an eye on their dietary habits and lifestyle to avoid themselves from getting into an uncomfortable situation.

They should approach their dentist and bring up these worries to discuss the possible solutions to each case.

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