COVID Shouldn’t Be an Excuse
COVID has been the perfect excuse for the average person to neglect their health; millions of people all over the planet have stopped dieting, exercising, and taking proper care of their skin. There may be a lot of chaos and uncertainty in our current world, but one thing is for sure: putting aside your body’s needs will only harm you in the long run!
The good news is that taking care of yourself actually reduces anxiety; in fact, a good skincare routine that keeps you looking young, vibrant, and beautiful will satisfy you for years to come. Nothing, after all, feels quite as good as putting your best face forward!
What Makes a Skincare Routine Efficient?
Taking care of your skin falls under the umbrella of a much broader term known as “facial rejuvenation.” The aim of facial rejuvenation is to fight aging with strong routines and excellent treatments—in other words, it can be as simple as cleansing your skin or as complicated as getting plastic surgery. If it combats facial aging, it’s facial rejuvenation!
Various habits contribute to a solid skincare routine, the first of which is washing your face in the morning and at night. Toners and serums are particularly wonderful washing tools, as are moisturizer creams and spot treatments, which provide an optimal, flawless glow. Do your best to be consistent; don’t skip washing sessions when you don’t need to!
Lastly, don’t forget about your skin when you go outside! Sunscreen is an absolute must, even in the colder months, because UV rays never go away. The last thing you want is to look like a lobster in the middle of January!
What Makes a Skincare Product Viable?
There are so many skincare products on the market, but a good deal of them does more harm than good (usually, these products are seductively packaged and entice buyers to purchase them without reading the fine print). Certain ingredients should be avoided altogether, including aluminum, mineral oil, parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances, all of which irritate the skin. There are, of course, many more harmful ingredients that you should be aware of, so do your research before you buy anything!
On the other hand, creams and serums that include healthy additives are among the best skincare products. Look for transparently beneficial ingredients like green tea, coconut oil, shea butter, and even tea tree oil, which does wonders not only for the skin, but for the hair. It’s also important to keep in mind that, depending on the quality of your skin, some creams might be better than others; collagen and biotin creams, for example, are especially helpful for people over the age of 30 (as we age, the production of skin-repairing collagen gradually slows).
Put simply, be a smart buyer, and don’t let pretty labels and false promises fool you!
Sleep and Supplements Can Go a Long Way
As we age, it becomes increasingly important to get more sleep, because our bodies simply aren’t as resilient as they used to be. In addition to getting a full 8 hours of sleep, it’s a good idea to fit in more naps throughout the day.
Furthermore, taking supplements before sleep can be very effective, as the body will begin to absorb and process them while in a state of rest. Multivitamins are particularly fantastic, but there a number of other products that are worth trying, including apple cider vinegar, which can make the skin glow like it never has before!
Lastly, try to eat healthy, organic foods; processed meals can actually slow hair growth and make the skin loose and wrinkled. Vegetables are a trusted option, as are healthy grains.
In short, do your best to stay on top of your health. Nobody wants to age quicker because of a few poor habits!
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