Getting rid of stubborn fat is a challenge these days. Most lifestyles present challenges that hinder people from doing more to invest in their overall well-being. High levels of stress, limited sleep, processed foods, refined sugar, and refined carbs are all common factors that increase inflammation throughout the body slowing down the fat-burning process. As a result, processes like coolsculpting have become an increasingly popular choice for individuals to consider.
What is Coolsculpting?
Coolsculpting is an innovative procedure that many doctors, scientists, and patients vouch for. Unlike more invasive approaches to getting rid of stubborn fat, coolsculpting doesn’t require patients to go under the knife. In fact, there are no pokes, cuts, incisions, or stitches to be worried about. Our contact at Dr. John Lee Surgery, a top coolsculpting provider in Philadelphia says that the machine works by freezing the fat layer underneath the skin without damaging the surrounding tissue. As it breaks away the body absorbs it reducing fat and inflammation in problem areas.
How is the Procedure Performed?
After getting approval from your primary doctor and having an initial consultation with a coolsculpting provider, you’ll be scheduled for a few sessions. During the session the trained technician will place some gel and a device with applicators on it to the problem areas. The applicator then begins to slowly cool the targeted area.
As you lay there, you might notice a suction and cooling feeling as the technician slowly moves the device around. If you visit a more advanced facility, however, there are often several coolsculpting machines available to target more areas at once. After a few minutes the device is removed and the doctor will gently massage the area to help the body start to break down the frozen fat cells. The procedure takes between 1-3 hours each session.
What Are the Most Common Areas to Get Coolsculpting?
Though this innovative process to freeze fat cells can work just about anywhere, some of the most common areas of the body to have coolsculpting done are the upper thighs, chin, stomach, arms, back, and buttocks.
Who Are the Most Ideal Candidates?
It is recommended that you consult with your doctor about the possibility of trying coolsculpting to get rid of stubborn fat. Though it may appear to be a means to lose weight, this method is actually designed to help those who are trying to get rid of fat in stubborn areas. Patients that are extremely obese or have certain health conditions may not qualify. It is those that are in, otherwise, good health and shape but need a little boost.
Are There Side Effects?
Fortunately, the FDA approves of coolsculpting as a means to reduce stubborn fat in various areas of the body. This means the government has reviewed clinical trials and other data from the procedure to determine the efficiency and safety of it to patients. Coolsculpting, as a noninvasive procedure has been proven to be generally safe with no reports of serious reactions. There are reports of minor side effects during the procedure including cold sensations, tingling, pulling, body aches, and cramps. After the procedure has been completed you may also notice tenderness, aching, bruising, swelling, redness, and cramping.
When Do You See Results?
Though results can vary, generally, after a month you should start to see some changes with your trouble areas. Most patients, however, notice the most change after three months. For those receiving multiple sessions, seeing improvements all over could take a bit longer.
How Much Will it Cost?
Though not covered by insurance, coolsculpting sessions can be just as affordable as an annual gym membership. The amount you pay will depend on several factors including what areas of the body you’ll need done, how many sessions are required to help you reach your body goals, and, of course, where you decide to have your coolsculpting done as each provider will charge their own rates. Some facilities offer financing and/or affordable payment arrangements for patients who don’t have all the cash up front.
Stubborn body fat can be hard to get rid of no matter how much you try. For individuals who are, otherwise, healthy, but can’t seem to get rid of fat in problem areas can benefit from procedures such as coolsculpting. This noninvasive methods can freeze the fat cells away giving you the boost you need to continue with your health and fitness goals.
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