Updated on August 10, 2021

Dental issues are never pleasant to deal with. And a visit to the dentist is something even most adults still dread. But thankfully, most dental problems can be dealt painlessly due to the medical and technological developments nowadays.

If you’ve ever typed the words “dentist near me Tarzana” in the search bar, rest assured that there are several able dentists in this suburban neighborhood. They can do all kinds of dental treatments, from cosmetic procedures and dental emergencies to everyday hygiene.

With a population exceeding thirty-nine thousand and counting, Tarzana is inevitably home to some of the best dentists in the state of California. Here are some everyday dental troubles they deal with as a routine.

Bad breath

Having bad breath is perhaps among the most typical dental issues in Tarzana and around the world. It can be an embarrassing condition, causing sufferers an immense loss of self-esteem and decreasing the desire to socialize. But remember that this is not always an issue that you can deal with at home. Sometimes, a persistent bad breath may indicate a more severe condition such as cavities, cancer, gum disease, etc.

Denture issues

Seniors and older adults account for around 19.0% and 34.3 % of the entire Tarzana population, respectively. In this scenario, dentists in Tarzana naturally have a lot of folks coming in for dentures. The dentists make whole new sets, fix the existing dentures, and guide patients on how to care for them.

However, it is critical to note that dentures are not something only the elderly population needs. Many youngsters use dentures for health and cosmetic purposes as well. So, Tarzana dentists have their hands full when treating people of all ages with dentures.

Tooth decay

Most commonly referred to as cavities, tooth decay affects people of all age groups. However, it majorly affects children aged 6 to 11 years or younger and adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. It is a chronic condition in these age groups, causing them immense inconvenience and pain. 

Children and college-going kids account for approximately 19.7% and 4.24% of the population in Tarzana, respectively. Undoubtedly, these statistics indicate that dentists in Tarzana have a regular queue of patients within this age group that needs to get their tooth decay problems fixed.

Mouth cancer

While it may not seem like it, oral (or mouth) cancer is actually a pretty common occurrence in most parts of the world and not just Tarzana. It is a very deadly, severe disease that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation statistics, at least one person in the US dies from oral cancer every hour. These are tragic, alarming numbers that one must take seriously.

Symptoms include lumps, sores, and rough areas within the throat or mouth. If you notice any of these, look up the “term dentist near me in Tarzana” on the internet and get it checked. 

It is most common in people over the age of 40. And including older adults and senior citizens, Tarzana’s over-40 age group accounts for approximately 50% of the entire population. So, if you happen to fall within this age group, it is wise to go for regular dental checkups even though there are no symptoms.

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