Bodies Mature With Age
If you work out and eat right perpetually, you’ll reach fullest flourish. But even the most healthy flower passes its period of bloom eventually. This is the consequence of entropy. Over time, systems of order break down. In terms of DNA, the process of aging can be watched directly, and even quantified in some ways.
There’s an element in your DNA called telomerase. Telomerase acts sort of like the tape at the ends of a shoestring. When that tape wears out, the shoestring unravels. In this case, the shoestring is your DNA, and over time, telomerase breaks down, and DNA integrity begins to erode. This contributes to aging, and the erosion usually begins in a person’s late twenties to thirties, depending on lifestyle.
Now there are ways to augment telomerase dissolution. New medical techniques can halt the speed at which it breaks down. Additionally, lifestyle choices will help you to defer telomerase loss. Stress is a big factor in aging. It pushes the body and mind, stressing internal components, and eroding telomerase. Elimination of stress is key in achieving the length of years.
Keeping Track Of Your Body
Another wise thing to do if you want to live long, and prosper throughout, is to carefully keep track of your body. Know that certain areas of your physical self will break down, like vision, or hearing. SCENT stands for Santa Clarita Ear, Nose, and Throat; and represents an exceptionally professional medical group from which to acquire hearing aids in Santa Clarita.
It’s wise to develop a retinue of practitioners in whom you trust, and that you can consult as you notice issues during the aging process. Your car is going to get flat tires, it’s going to have engine trouble, you’ll need bodywork, and you’ll have to paint it on the outside or shampoo the carpets on the inside. For all these things, there are separate providers.
It’s much the same for the physical “vehicle” of your body. As your “soul” drives this flesh machine through the paces of life, health issues that are diverse will crop up. You’ll have skin problems, organ problems, bone problems, brain problems, eye, ear, and mouth problems—things happen. Sometimes the activity is a prerequisite to a condition, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes you get injured and have to deal with the fallout for a time.
While it’s certainly possible to go your whole life without ever setting foot in a doctor’s office, this isn’t advisable in the developed world—even technology can be bad for your health. At least every ten years or so, you want a solid checkup. As you get older, the frequency of such checkups should increase. By the age of sixty, it’s advisable to have an annual checkup; provided this is affordable for you.
Technology And Lifestyle
Technology is advancing the lifespan of citizens in developed countries. However, there are lifestyle choices that can do the same. Endless stories exist pertaining to senior citizens in East Asian communities. There are women in their nineties who go free-diving for mollusks in Korea; they’re called the “Haenyeo”.
Because they keep physically fit, they retain mobility into advanced age. Naturally, Haenyeo doesn’t have a lot of medical assistance over the course of their lives. But have you been free-diving for seafood since you were a little girl or boy? Probably not! Accordingly, get some advice on your health as it stands now. Unless lifeline fitness and diet define you, you’re likely in need of medical help somewhere.
There’s an old proverb that says plans fail for lack of good counsel. Medical advice and assistance from professionals can be good counsel, provided you find the right doctor. Learn from their knowledge pool, and use that learning to help ease the advance of years as best you can.
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