CBD, or Cannabidiol, is oil made from hemp. Despite its close relationship to medical marijuana, CBD oil is different in that is becoming more popular as a prescribed treatment, possibly due to the fact that it is made of natural ingredients. It also does not have the natural chemicals needed to create the psychoactive effects, or the high.
Instead, CBD has some real health benefits that are working to aid both humans and animals. From helping calm anxiety to easing pain and inflammation, here are some ways that CBD oil is helping humans and animals.
Aiding Anxiety
When looking at the human brain and how it functions when we are suffering from anxiety, researchers of CBD were surprised. They now think that CBD could be able to help those who suffer from anxiety by changing how their brain reacts to different things. CBD could help people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Despite the positive results so far, there are some concerns that the side effects of CBD could be worse than anticipated, causing people to choose anxiety. The results of an early study on anxiety and CBD are very hopeful, and researchers are looking into a more in-depth study.
CBD for Fibromyalgia
Do you have fibromyalgia? Try CBD. CBD oil has also been used to help control pain, specifically in cases of multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. In fact, some patients have reported great success with using edibles such as CBD Gummies to alleviate pain. CBD has been called a path toward decreasing pain in a more natural way than by using regular drugs. Early tests show that CBD has helped minimize inflammation in the test animals, and although experts are not sure if CBD helps with pain or just minimizes inflammation, clinical trials are coming soon to answer some of these questions.
Not only is CBD oil being used to help humans, it is being used to aid our four-legged friends. In fact, it can help pets with cancer, pain, nausea, and other similar complaints. More research is being done on humans, but the impact of CBD on pets is also important. Although their research is still being done on the effects of CBD oil on human and animal long-term health, pet owners and humans have reported relief from their respective CBD oils.
Digestion and Cancer
Several studies done by the National Cancer Institute demonstrated that CBD is very likely to be able to slow or stop the growth of tumors and disrupting the growth of and spread of cancer cells. An additional positive thing about CBD, in its pure form or through edibles like CBD gummies, is that it is less toxic than other things that we use to fight cancer, and it might even help with the side effects of cancer. Although it hasn’t been used yet, it has given some individuals hope. It also has helped with digestion. Digestion is something that can be difficult during chemotherapy, as the body is frequently vomiting.
New research into alternative forms of medicine has led researchers to CBD oil. Although there are more tests and trials to run, people and animals have been helped by CBD oil, whether by controlling pain, reducing anxiety, or assisting in digestion.