With great popularity comes greater concerns. Many people are discovering the therapeutic benefits that CBD boasts. However, because the compound is relatively new, questions like, “Can you overdose on CBD oil?” are frequently asked. At this time, not many people know that CBD products do not cause overdoses. If you are one of those people, read on as this article is going to touch on some of the important facts regarding CBD oil consumption.
What Is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound found primarily in hemp plants. To understand how CBD interacts with the body, we’ll need to dive a bit deeper. Every mammal on this planet has an internal system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This extensive administrative system controls essentially everything that keeps us operating.
The ECS regulates functions such as mood, appetite, and even pain. Our bodies generate cannabinoids (neurotransmitters) in small amounts; in turn, these neurotransmitters stimulate the receptors to support the various functions mentioned earlier. Now you might be asking yourself, “What role does CBD play specifically?” CBD acts as an extra supply of cannabinoids to enhance the functions of the ECS.
CBD Oil Is Not Addictive
Addiction is a severe and life-threatening problem, which will eventually lead to overdose. Since the compound is basically a drug, it is understandable for people to have concerns about the consequences of taking too much. But, rest easy, CBD is not addictive. Here’s why — CBD is non intoxicating! THC produces the intoxicating effects that result in a high. This is the addictive compound. CBD, on the other hand, does not contain any intoxicating elements.
Tolerance to CBD Oil
One of the reasons drug usage (prescribed or not) can grow dangerous is that over time, you can build a tolerance to them. The dose you were taking is no longer enough, so you up the dosage or you increase your serving sizes.
You may be asking, “How much CBD Oil should I take?” and “Is my CBD tolerance going to lead to an overdose eventually?” According to different studies, people are not likely to build a tolerance to CBD oil or any other hemp-derived product, but if you are extreme users, you might be in uncharted waters.
People take CBD for different, personal reasons; Some, more heavily than others. For those who don’t really need to take it daily, stick to your average CBD dosage, and only use it when you need it. This might help to avoid building a tolerance.
What Does the Research Say?
Research suggests that CBD overdose is highly improbable. In fact, it is believed that an individual cannot overdose on any sort of hemp-derived product. While it’s possible that an individual can have a bad experience with CBD, they are certainly not experiencing any symptoms of overdosing. There have been a few reports of bothersome side effects from taking too much CBD, but these reports are far less common. That said, knowing the side effects of overconsumption can help you avoid them.
Bottom Line
So, can you overdose on CBD products? Considering zero incidents have been reported so far, the answer is no. But, not all CBD products are formulated equally. When shopping for CBD, it is important to go to a trustworthy company. Green Roads strives to be that company.
Although overdosing is improbable when it comes to CBD, if your oil is compromised in any way, that improbability goes out the window. So when searching for a quality CBD oil, look for an organic product and make sure the company you are buying from has done their due diligence in getting rid of harmful elements. Furthermore, avoid any additives and undesirable ingredients.
Green Roads provides the highest quality pharmacist formulated CBD products on the market. Their obsession with the purity and potency of ingredients, their proprietary formulations, and multi-stage third-party lab testing, are all part of their commitment to customers.
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