Can Weight Loss Pills Really Help You Burn Fat?

Updated on October 1, 2021

Going to the gym and dieting have been the recipe known by many to help lose weight. However, the formula does not always work out for everyone, what with all the tiring workouts and restrictive diets that leave you craving for your most favorite snack. You can make weight loss easier by taking some supplements to achieve your goals faster. Before you buy any supplement, ensure you know what to look for in a pill, such as ingredients, dosage, and effectiveness.

Read on to find out how effective weight loss pills are in helping you burn fat.

How Do The Pills Work?

You will find so many supplements on the store shelves, all promising to burn fat, but not all are good for the job. The best diet pill works by reducing appetite, making you feel fuller even without consuming too many calories. The pills help in reducing the absorption of nutrients, thus making your calorie intake lower.

They also cause an increase in fat burning in your body, helping you burn extra calories. Coupled with other weight loss methods taking the pills can hasten your journey to a leaner you. The right drugs for you to buy should be made from all-natural ingredients as they contain fewer or no side effects.

Side Effects of Taking Pills

Depending on the pills you are taking, there are several side effects that you may encounter. However, with natural supplements, the side effects are less compared to synthetic drugs. Some of the side effects that are common include diarrhea, nausea, and constipation.

When you have an underlying health condition, it is good to discuss the weight loss pills you intend to take with your doctor. The reason is that you may be taking medications that could react with specific components in the drugs, which could cause you to have serious side effects. How Long Should You Take The Pills?

How long you are going to take the pills depends on their effectiveness. If you start taking some supplements for a few weeks and there is no noticeable change, you may have to change the supplier. Also, if you experience severe side effects due to the intake of the pills, then you can discontinue use immediately. 

Some prescription pills may require you to take them for about three to six months, after which the doctor can prescribe another drug if the ones you are taking are not bearing fruits. As you take the pills, ensure you take the proper dosage as a low or high dosage can give you the wrong results. 

Ingredients to Look For In Weight Loss Diets

The right ingredients in weight loss pills help lessen appetite, slow down nutrient absorption, and increase metabolism. Some of the main components to look for in the labels when purchasing the supplements include the following. 

·                     Caffeine – It is one of the active components in weight-loss drugs, and for a good reason. Apart from being an antioxidant, it helps in increasing metabolism and can also lower blood sugar levels.

·                     Glucomannan – It is a dietary fiber derived from the elephant yam and is an excellent source for water absorption in your stomach. It can help treat constipation and make you feel full for longer, thus reducing calorie intake. It can also decrease cholesterol levels and help manage diabetes as it reduces the absorption of cholesterol and sugar in the gut. 

·                     Green tea extract – It is rich in antioxidants that promote liver, heart, and brain functions. Apart from its many health benefits, it is one of the main ingredients in dietary supplements due to its ability to lose weight. Green tea contains caffeine and catechins, which assist the body in losing weight as they regulate the hormones that produce heat and digest food.

·                     Garcinia Cambogia extract – This tropical fruit is a common ingredient in some of the most effective natural weight loss supplements. It contains HCA (Hydroxy citric acid), the most active ingredient that aids in blocking citrate lyase, an enzyme that is responsible for fat production in the body. Garcinia Cambogia extract is also effective in reducing hunger as it increases serotonin levels.

Bottom Line 

Even though weight loss pills are an answer to quickening your weight loss journey, they require you to consider other factors. There will be a need for you to change some habits in your lifestyle, such as exercising, sleeping adequately, and eating healthy foods. You also have to ensure you get the right supplements that can aid in weight reduction, as not all pills are adequate for the job.

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