Cambria/Somerset Covid Task Force Partners to Vaccinate More 1A-Eligible Affordable Housing Residents

Updated on March 21, 2021

In a continued effort to coordinate Covid-19 vaccination distribution to vulnerable and low-income populations, members of the Cambria/Somerset Covid-19 Task Force have partnered to vaccinate 1a-eligible residents of the Garden Terrace Apartments (730 Bloom St) and Loughner Plaza (51 Akers St) on Thursday, March 18th. Task Force partners include the Richland Family Health Center (RFHC), Garden Terrace Apartments, and Johnstown Housing Authority (JHA). Residents will be vaccinated in community rooms of these housing facilities. Vaccinations will begin at 9 a.m. at Garden Terrace Apartments.

“The RFHC is excited to keep the momentum going with JHA, Garden Terrace and 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health, delivering the Moderna vaccine to the citizens of Johnstown,” said William Kurtycz, CEO of Richland Family Health Center. “We are here to serve the community, and provide excellent community health care to all.  Our mission is to understand the social determinants of Johnstown, and address the health care disparities by closing the gaps in health care inequities. We are Patient First Service, and we are Here to Help!”

Cambria/Somerset Covid Task Force members include vaccine providers, Cambria County Dpt of Emergency Services, Somerset County Department of Emergency Services, county/state/federal representatives, social service agency representatives, and grassroots organizations. Members are actively coordinating vaccination efforts, especially efforts to reach the most at-risk and vulnerable residents in both counties. Topics addressed by the task force include vaccine scheduling, mass vaccination site logistics, public communications, vaccine education, and more. 

“After joining with community partners to host successful vaccination clinics on March 13 for residents in our high-rise buildings on Vine Street, we are excited that this team is able to offer another clinic so soon,” said Michael Alberts, Acting Executive Director of Johnstown Housing Authority. “Our staff was eager to help coordinate and operate clinics at Loughner Plaza and Garden Terrace.”

Both RFHC and JHA will continue to work in partnership to expand vaccination opportunities to the other public housing communities.

The task force began meeting on Feb. 16th and will continue convening weekly via Zoom on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. Any individuals involved with vaccine coordination, planning, or communications can attend. For more information about the task force, contact Jeannine McMillan, 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health at [email protected].

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