Braces vs. Invisalign: Which Is Best For You?

Updated on August 27, 2023

96 percent of people say that smiling plays an important role in a person’s appearance. 40 percent admit that a smile is the first thing they notice in their co-workers. From these statistics, it’s clear that the importance of a beautiful smile cannot be overemphasized.

But a healthy grin isn’t always guaranteed. Not everyone has perfectly aligned teeth, which are essential components of a brilliant smile. Thankfully, that’s an issue that can be easily resolved through braces and Invisalign.

But with the braces vs. Invisalign debate still raging on, it may not be easy to know which of the two is ideal for you.

In today’s post, we compare the two orthodontic procedures so you can make an informed decision as to which suits you best. Read on to learn more. 

What Are Metal Braces?

Metal braces are a traditional dental treatment approach that uses metal brackets bonded on the outer surface of teeth to straighten and correct teeth alignment and facial asymmetries.

The brackets glue to the surface of your teeth, and there are wires weaving between them meant to shape your teeth. In some cases, the wires used are the same color as your enamel to decrease their noticeability.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment designed to straighten your teeth without using metal braces. Instead, your orthodontist uses a series of custom-made, clear trays that cover your teeth and pull them gently into the appropriate position over time. 

Braces Vs. Invisalign: How They Compare

Both Invisalign and metal braces are wildly popular among people looking for better-aligned teeth. But the two have several important differences that you need to know about when deciding which of the two to go for. Let’s take a closer look at these differences.


Where you’re concerned about the cost of dental treatment, opting for traditional braces is the more affordable option. With as little as $2,000, you can have braces installed, while Invisalign costs anywhere between $3,000 and $7,000, depending on how many trays you’ll require and how severe the changes required are.

Discuss the price of dental treatment with your orthodontist before you make a decision as to which procedure to opt for. For those with dental insurance, your coverage may offset the cost of either Invisalign or braces. 


The main difference between metal braces and Invisalign has to do with appearance. One of the biggest Invisalign benefits is that the trays are virtually invisible. That’s because they’re made of clear, plastic material.

The opposite is true for typical braces, which are usually made of metal. Braces are highly visible, which makes some people uncomfortable using them. 


The entire process of straightening misaligned teeth isn’t always comfortable. Some people report some pain as the alignment of their teeth shifts.

However, people who opt for Invisalign generally report less discomfort than those who use metal braces. That’s because Invisalign generally applies less pressure to your teeth compared to metal braces. Besides, some metal braces can have sharp edges that can cut your tongue or inner lips.

The good news is that you’ll get used to your braces or Invisalign with time.


What makes metal braces convenient is the fact that you don’t need to worry about taking them out before they’ve accomplished their purpose. However, braces can make it difficult to eat certain foods, which inconveniences you.

Invisalign trays can be taken out whenever you want to, for instance, when you want to eat sticky or hard foods. That makes them more convenient. However, it’s important to remember to place the trays securely. 


Metal braces have been around for ages, mainly because of their proven effectiveness. This dental treatment works excellently for teeth with severe misalignment. For those with overlapping or rotated teeth, braces are a proven solution.

The fact that you can’t take out your braces until they’ve done their job increases their effectiveness.

With Invisalign, patients can take them out at any time. Patients don’t always comply with the time of use their orthodontist suggests. This negatively impacts the effectiveness of the treatment.

Invisalign is also not highly effective for severely crooked teeth. After choosing an orthodontist, inquire from them which braces and Invisalign can work best for your situation.

Care and Cleaning

Whether you have Invisalign or braces, you’ll still need to clean your teeth regularly.  Generally, it’s easier to clean your teeth when you have braces as you can brush and floss the way you normally do without them. But if there are food particles stuck in the braces, cleaning may be a little difficult, and you’ll need to use a smaller brush.

Brushing and flossing when you have Invisalign is the same as when you don’t. However, you’ll need to put some extra effort into keeping your trays clean. That means cleaning the trays whenever you eat.

Invisalign vs. Braces: Which Should You Choose?

Deciding whether to opt for braces or go for Invisalign is entirely a personal matter. The fact is each of the two has its strengths and weaknesses. Where you’re not entirely sure which of the two suits you best, don’t hesitate to ask for your orthodontist’s recommendation. 

Don’t Wait to Brighten Up Your Smile

Your smile is an essential part of your appearance, so it only makes sense to do what it takes to keep it as bright as possible. Don’t let misaligned teeth hold you back. The right dental treatment, whether Invisalign or metal braces, can help you achieve that perfectly aligned set of teeth you need for the most beautiful smile.

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