Best Treatment Strategies For Post Concussion Syndrome

Updated on February 17, 2023

Image source: Unsplash

A concussion is when the brain undergoes trauma (which can range from any degree) which may result in problems like dizziness, momentary amnesia, fainting, disorientation, difficulty in speech and movement, inability to coordinate body movements, and so on. Even though most concussions are minor and can be treated easily, the symptoms of the concussion can still last for a while if it is not treated well. 

This may result in a prolonged concussion or lead to more serious problems, so it’s best to always make sure you know exactly what to do when someone is suffering from post concussion syndrome. In this blog, we’re going to walk you through what symptoms you should keep an eye out for and how you can effectively treat them – let’s get started. 

Most common symptoms you may experience

You won’t be able to treat the symptoms accordingly unless you know how to identify them. Most post concussion symptoms are very subtle, and may even go unnoticed unless you keep an eye out for it. Some of the most common ones include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or constant drowsiness
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Loss of concentration or a very short concentration span
  • Memory losses that occur frequently
  • Blurry vision
  • A ringing noise in the ears
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Sleeping too much due to the fatigue
  • Irritability and sudden anxiety
  • A sudden sensitivity to light and and noise

These are the most common symptoms, and can vary from very subtle to extreme degrees. While it’s possible that these symptoms will slowly fade away with time, it’s important that they’re also treated the right way to prevent it from getting worse or even becoming permanent. Here’s how you can treat them immediately to reduce the aftermath of a concussion.

Rest and relaxation

According to a comprehensive guide to post-concussion syndrome that talks about all the symptoms someone may experience, stress can be one of the most common triggers that prevent a person from getting better after their concussion.

This is because the brain has already undergone a certain amount of stress and damage, so the smallest of things can be blown out of proportion and make it difficult for the victim to rationalise their thoughts and feelings better. 

That’s why it’s important to make sure that you get enough rest and relaxation to help you recover faster. This may include removing yourself from situations that can cause stress, such as extreme work environments or unhealthy situations.

Instead, try taking some days off from work or reducing your workload so that you don’t feel overwhelmed and give yourself time to recover from the trauma. 

Take medication for headaches

A recurring symptom that may happen every now and then throughout the day are the headaches. This is a direct result of the impact the brain underwent during the concussion. This isn’t a serious concern, but it can make you feel stressed if you don’t treat it properly.

Talk to your physician and see if you can treat it with medication – it’s likely that you’ll be asked to stick to common migraine medication as you don’t need anything strong to treat minor headaches. 

Go for rehabilitation therapy

If you notice that your speech or movements have been affected after the concussion, it’s best to enroll yourself for rehabilitation therapy as this will help you quickly and effectively fix the issues you’re facing.

These forms of therapy will give you the right exercises to fix the problems you’re facing, and it will also prevent you from feeling lost, alone, or overwhelmed during your journey to recovery. 

Relaxation therapy is also a good option for you if you happen to suffer from stress or anxiety since the concussion. This will help you get out of your head and focus on healing, making the journey faster and easier for you. 

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