The Best Paying Jobs in Healthcare

Updated on January 9, 2018

While the main reason that most people choose to start a career in healthcare is a desire to improve the lives of others and to make a tangible difference to people’s lives when they are at their most vulnerable, healthcare also offers some of the best paying jobs around. Over the next 5 years, the US healthcare industry is expected to grow by around 10%, equating to some 2.3 million new jobs.

While you will need to invest the time and money necessary to earn the appropriate qualifications, the salaries you can earn working in a healthcare-related field make this a very wise investment. Here we take a look at some of the best paying healthcare jobs around. Not only do these jobs offer fantastic salaries, most of them will come with other perks and benefits, and of course a good healthy dose of job security.

Physicians and Surgeons

These are the frontline soldiers in the battle for public health. Both physicians and surgeons will have to become proficient in a variety of different skills, will have to develop a wide-ranging knowledge of patients and diseases, and of course they will have to be able to apply this knowledge to an endless array of possible scenarios. The role of the physician is to diagnose patients and prescribe appropriate treatment, a surgeon meanwhile offers a very specific form of treatment.

Both physicians and surgeons will specialize in a particular area, however they will also be expected to be capable of performing more generalized roles within their respective organizations.


Dentists can basically be thought of as doctors for your teeth. While they don’t deal with the same urgent, life and death situations that physicians do, oral hygiene is still very important. In fact, many cases of heart disease begin in the mouth, as it is here that bacteria is able to enter the bloodstream where it then receives a free ride around the patient’s system and into the heart itself.

Check out for more information on healthcare salaries


The job of a pharmacist is to dispense medicines according to a doctor’s prescription. Sounds easy right? In fact, the role of a pharmacist is a highly specialized one, and with good reason. Pharmacists don’t just blindly follow a doctor’s orders, they have to be able to identify potentially toxic interactions between medicines and may have to refer a patient back to their physician if they detect an unsuitable combination of medicines on a prescription.

Pharmacists also serve customers with certain medicines over the counter, in order to do this safely it is vital that they are able to identify what the most suitable medicine for a particular patient and their individual circumstances is.

There are many different roles available in the field of healthcare. It is not just frontline doctors and nurses who make a real and tangible difference to people’s lives. Every single individual involved in the operation and functioning of a hospital is playing a crucial role in ensuring that patients receive the best standard of care possible.

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